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Countdown to an Encounter


It is now 18 days 11 hours, 31 minutes, and 16 seconds till the next Presidential Election.  I know there are means of early voting, but I sense that will only add a smoke screen to achieve the hidden agenda of some.  Keep in mind, I said “I sense.”

I have some grave concerns regarding the elections and what we may experience regardless of who wins.   America is a deeply divided nation.  I have never seen it this bad in all my nearly 78 years.  We don’t simply disagree with one another with understanding and respect for the other’s opinions like in days gone by.  Our minds have been twisted through lies and threats.  Many have been so brainwashed they are no longer friends with differing opinions, they are so tied to the lies as being truth for them they are willing to throw away everyone, friends or family, that disagrees with their stance.  We are helplessly divided. The Left and the Right and everyone in between, if there is an in between.

There are so many illegal immigrants in America today which are planned invaders.  There are reports of military age men in great numbers from various enemy nations coming across our borders every day, and they are being shuttled and housed across this great land.  Why are they here?  I pray we never find out by experience.

We have now so many divisions of opponents that I fear that only a small spark may rain havoc upon the land that we love.  The opposition against Trump has been great and ongoing since before the 2016 election.  It has escalated to at least 3 assassination attempts that we have been made aware of, who knows how many there has been.  The hate against him is so great that if he wins the election there will be rioting and mayhem in the streets of our cities organized and paid for by our nation’s enemies without and within.  And it is certain the assassination attempts will continue while he is in office.  Never has a politician been such a threat and hated by so many.

If the Left wins, there will be fear and anger from those of the Right.  We are possibly facing a civil war no matter who might win. Keep in mind, these are my speculations based on what has been apparent throughout America leading up to this extremely important election.  Some are projecting that this may be our last “free” election.

I have a tremendous amount of trust in my God to be able to save this nation, but my trust in a nation of people to do what the LORD requires is weak, and much of that weakness has grown out of a church that sleeps through the affairs of man.   The world struggles to believe the Word of God because it sees little evidence of belief in the life of the average ‘believer’.   The church does many things in the name of discipleship, but the results do not reveal a church of power but one of satisfaction with the status quo.   “Awake thou that sleepest!”  (Ephesians 5:14)

Listen beloved believer, if I were to ask God who was the most important person in ‘your’ life, what would God’s response be?   Who are you most focused on?  What would God tell me about you?  I am pretty sure that He would say that most Christians are focus more upon themselves than they are God.  We are often more focused on our own agendas than we are on God’s agenda.  The Bible is “God-centered.”   God has His own agenda and needs nobody else’s to fulfill His purposes.  Beloved, become God-oriented!   He has an agenda.  He has the plan.  “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

It’s God’s will, not your will for God to do for you!  Become God oriented.  Die to self.  God always has a plan that He desires to work through His children.  God must always be pursued for Himself — never as a means toward your personal agenda.   Those that pursue God only as a means toward selfish desired ends, will never find God.   God will not be used.

So beloved, we are running out of time, humanly speaking, but God is able to do exceedingly beyond anything we can imagine meeting the need.  But we must submit to God, now.  Now is the only time we have.

You ask, “What can God do now?”

Do you remember the walls of Jericho in the Book of Joshua?   There is a demonstration of God’s power in that event that goes beyond anything you could dream.   The Israelites marched around Jericho for six days, once a day, and then seven times on the seventh day.  The priests blew their horns each day and the people shouted on the last day.  The walls collapsed, and the Israelites took the city.

This story is a lesson about God’s grace and His deliverance of submitted children of God.  It reveals the importance of faith and obedience toward God.  It teaches that people should not rely on their own agendas or strength, but instead surrender to the agenda of God.  In man’s plan of attack, the walls would never have come down.

What about Gideon?  This encounter with God and God’s victory is recorded in Judges 7:1-22.   Gideon has assembled 32,000 men to face the Midianites in battle.  God told him that the army was too big to show the glory of God.  So, in the end, God suggestively whittled Gideon’s army down to a mere 300 men.

As God’s agenda was played out by Gideon, he divided his small army into three smaller yet groups.  Each man was given a trumpet, a clay jar, and a torch.  At the appointed time they were told to blow their trumpets and shout “For the LORD and for Gideon!”

The Midianites were so confused and fearful by the noise and the lights that they began fighting each other and running away.  The victory was at hand!

This event was to illustrate that God can defeat enemies using the most unlikely means imaginable, and that believers ought to trust in God and His agenda and not their own plan and strength.

What can God do for our situation here in America?  I don’t have the ability to imagine, but I know this much . . . God is waiting for His Church to finally wake up from her decades of slumber . . . become united together in purposed submission to the Almighty God while seeking His face, turning from our wicked ways, and making room for His agenda to be worked out through His small but faithful army of intercessors.  Beloved, we the true Church ordained of our LORD Jesus Christ must repent—pray without ceasing—America does not deserve it, but she desperately needs God’s victory!   Pray On!


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