Dear Small Church Pastor! A Success Story!

Your mission is big. Trust in our big God to accomplish it.

Pastor Dewey Moede with Pastor Sheldon Wolf of First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM

Reserve Baptist Church

Outreach Magazine Editorial

Transformation | Derwin Gray

Derwin GraySmall Church Pastor,

I believe in you! But more importantly, the God who bled for you, who died for you, who rose from the dead for you, and who now lives in you through the Holy Spirit, believes in you. The church you serve may be small, but you are on a big mission with Jesus (Matt. 28:18–20). Here are three practices that will cultivate evangelistic passion in your church.

First, your spiritual formation—as you rely on the Holy Spirit—will cultivate evangelism in your church. As you are formed into the image of Jesus, you will want what Jesus wants: the lost people found (Luke 19:10). The more you know and love Jesus, the more you will want your church to know and love Jesus (Phil. 3:7–10). Your passion will fuel your church to know Jesus and make him known. The Rest of The Story Here

Here is a success story for you of a Church in Reserve, New Mexico, population under 300. Catron County, which is where Reserve is located, has under 4,000 residents! LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!!!! GLORY TO GOD!

I had a precious conversation with Pastor Sheldon Wolf of the First Baptist Church in Reserve last night! WOW WEE! Sheldon shared with me how God is blessing the Church in so many wonderful ways! The Church is growing, young people are coming forth and getting baptized! The Church is now holding Wednesday night services! Glory to God! As many of you know I spent about 10 years of going to FBC from time to time filling the pulpit. God showed me Sheldon was to be the Pastor and after he went to the Lord in much prayer, he became the Pastor. Sheldon Wolf has a beautiful wife in Julia and they make such a powerful team for our LORD! My Pastor Friend Dave Schumm of FBC in Glenwood speaks highly of the work they are doing in Catron County! Glory! I have been praying for this Church everyday since I was first called out there to do a Christmas Eve service my Deacon Charles McCargish 10 or 11 years ago this December. Sheldon answered the call of God! He knew God was calling him! What is God calling you to do? I am so excited to get this report! America needs more good news like this! God is certainly on the move at FBC in Reserve!
PS: This is the first time in many years that FBC in Reserve has a Pastor living in the parsonage and making Reserve their home! Glory to God in the Highest! Thank you Pastor Sheldon and Julia!

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