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Dr. Claude Cone: Stay Faithful to the End

Photo From The Baptist New Mexican. Claude Cone, a New Mexico native, pastors Monterey Baptist Church, Albuquerque. He formerly served 20 years as the Baptist Convention of New Mexico's executive director after pastoring in Texas. Photo: Submitted

Dr. Claude Cone delivered the message at beloved Alice Haley’s Memorial Service this past Saturday at Sandia Baptist. I was blessed to do the graveside service. BUT! The most powerful and loving message came from Dr. Claude Cone! I had not seen Dr. Cone for many years. Frank Haley would have him on KKIM radio many times and Pastor Marvin Capehart, the host of ‘Ask The Pastor’ on KKIM, would also have Dr. Cone as a guest the many years when Pastor Marvin served as host of ‘Ask The Pastor.’ Do you know that  ‘Ask The Pastor’ was started in the 70’s by the late Ray Franks? Pastor Ray is another of my heroes of faith! I learned much from him!

Marvin introduced me to Dr. Cone many years ago when he asked me to go to a prayer breakfast with him at Monterey Baptist Church in Albuquerque. I was blessed to see and hear him at Alice’s funeral on Saturday, such a powerful and loving message, the benefits of being a believer.  I beleive Dr. Cone said he is 89. The man preaches like he is 21! HE DOES NOT MISS A BEAT!  So much godly energy, and he grabs your attention by how he presents God’s Word in such a way that you feel the love of Jesus and the love that Dr. Cone has for people! Amen! Glory! We need more Dr. Cone’s!!! By the way, he still travels the state of New Mexico and preaches! He also had been filling the pulpit at Sandia Baptist!

I had not heard a message like that in all my life! Dr. Cone can really ‘bring it’! Glory! I am trying to get the audio on it from Sandia Baptist. I will keep you posted. I hope to have coffee with Dr. Cone soon.

One more note on Pastor Marvin Capehart, toward the end of his life, Marvin was driving around the state filling the pulpit. We talked often on the phone and in person. He taught me so much about being a circuit preacher! Hallajuha! I loved him so much!

I am so very grateful for all the folks that have trained me up over the years, from childhood to now! Glory to God in the Highest!

I want to share with you this message from Dr. Come from 2017……..he never retired! Hallelujah!!!

How do pastors look at retirement? Right now, I am grappling with that question.

I heard the call to ministry when I was a civil engineering student at New Mexico A & M (now New Mexico State University) in the summer of 1954. God clearly called me to forget about building highways, dams and bridges. Instead, He wanted me to follow Christ and be His servant to help build His Kingdom.

The New Mexico State BSU Christian Challenge greatly influenced my life. My pastor, Buy Petty, and the Grandview Baptist Church also helped me grow in my walk with Christ. As an 18-year-old with one year of college behind me, I was ready to seek God’s will for my life.

God made it clear that I needed to be in a Baptist college. So, I transferred to Wayland University in January 1955. That transition was definitely part of God’s plan for Claude Cone. God kindly gave me preaching opportunities while attending Wayland. Then, on June 15, 1957, my wife, Jeannie, and I moved to our first pastorate: Slide Baptist Church, located 15 miles south of Lubbock, Texas. That date and church launched 60 years of ministry. More Here

From 1997: Claude Cone’s son dies in Aug. 31 auto accident

New Mexico Baptist Convention chief retires 02-04-2005


Photo of Dr. Claude Cone from the Memorial Service for Dear Alice Hayley at Sandia Baptist in Albuquerque on Saturday Oct. 19th, 2024.
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