Early Voting Ballot Boxes Set On Fire in Washington and Oregon! Lord Have Mercy!

Lord Have Mercy!


Fires set in drop boxes destroy hundreds of ballots in Washington and damage 3 in Oregon

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This is what happens when both parties preach hate, state lies, and use vulgar language. The two parties have ignited a huge fire of evil in America. Many Pastors and congregations have not stood up to such evil. They have drank the political Kool-Aid.  I have stated for years our two party system is broken, its full of the devil. Just 4% of America has a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview, you now see the damage of this right before your eyes.

America is in chaos. It is only going to get worse as Satan blinds many. The results of this Presidential election will never be correct at this point. We are worse than a third world country! What next? Armed Troops at the ballot boxes? We have brought this on ourselves. Much of the American Church is failing. Many Christians are blinded by politics, they have made politicians their God, Lord have mercy! Way too much hate consumes so called Christians! You speak hate, you will be shown hate.

What is Righteous Anger? Christian Nationalism: What it is, what it isn’t and why it matters — a guide for people of faith

Pastors and Congregants, Why do you except evil behavior in your politicians? For heaven’s sake, they will not even speak about ending abortion! How about you?

The GOP and DEMS are failing to protect Ukraine! They are so very weak! They are allowing Putin to kill innocent people! More Here

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