In Love With A King… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


In Love With A King…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Happy Saturday! Today is the final day at a conference I have been attending. I met some beautiful people on this trip and made some friendships that will last a lifetime. One problem I seem to run into on these conference trips, are parking garages. The driver lost her ticket, and we were not sure how we would get past the arm made of steel late last night.

The memory of the parking garage at the Joyce Meyers conference with my friend Sherry from years ago, makes me laugh right out loud this morning. We both put all our money in the offering and had nothing left to get us out of the parking garage in that city. We wanted to help get the gospel message out. We put every coin in we had. I guess you could say we were sold out.

Every morning, I like to write a message. I want people to know about Jesus. He is alive and well and wants to journey the day with us. Our God is not a faraway distant God, a guy in the sky, that is hard to get access too. His spirit dwells within us. As Christians (followers of Christ) we have access to him day and night. He will even help get you out of parking garages beautiful people. He is as close as a brother. We can call on him day or night and he hears us when we call. (Jeremiah 33:3) Isn’t that just beautiful? It’s the best news I have ever received. No one can take him away from you. He lives in the heart of man and his spirit leads us. Ready for a good day?

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for being the best Father, the best friend and lover of our soul. Thank you that there is nothing you won’t do for your people. You will never leave us nor forsake us. Your eagle eye is on us day and night. How do we say thank you. It’s amazing dancing with a king.

Father, lead us today, use us today and may we experience you in a new way as we step out on the dance floor called life. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Draw close today and he will draw close to you. Just ask… James 4:8


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