Lasting Friendships

Mutual love, respect, and commitment are the foundation of genuine friendship. Friends keep the heart beating.........

FGGAM Photo. We love sharing JESUS everywhere we go. We have a heart for young people! They are our future! Smiths grocery is an excellent place to share JESUS, as is the Post Office and Bank.

Friends keep the heart beating………Sharon and I are so very blessed my so many friends! Glory! Thank you LORD! Thank you friends! Love in Jesus to you all! Do not let the world conditions change you, Amen!

“O Lord, our times are in your hand. In the midst of uncertainty lead us by your never-failing grace as we seek to be agents of healing and hope” We love you Lord. Our hope is in You. In the Mighty and loving name of Jesus, Amen.

Lasting Friendships

Mutual love, respect, and commitment are the foundation of genuine friendship.

October 2, 2024

Romans 12:10-13

How many true friends do you have? Does the question bring a lot of names to mind? Or only a few? The reality is, most of us don’t have many genuine friends—ones who remain loyal no matter what.

This dependable, intimate closeness is what God wants for us, but it’s a rare treasure. Let’s look at the biblical account of David and Jonathan (1 Sam. 18:1-301 Sam. 19:1-241 Sam. 20:1-42). Their story demonstrates that genuine friendships are built on a foundation of mutual respect, love, and commitment. Today, let’s explore the first component.

True companionship starts by valuing all people, knowing they were lovingly created in God’s image. After all, if Jesus chose to die in their place even before any of them acknowledged Him as Savior (Rom. 5:8), they must certainly have great worth. But at the same time, the high regard that David and Jonathan had for one another was greater than mere respect; it revealed admiration for the godly qualities that Scripture commends.

Consider the question asked earlier—about the people you think of as “true friends.” Do they exhibit godly attributes that you respect? And do they, in turn, admire the righteous characteristics they see in you? This mutual, scriptural respect is a necessary foundation for lasting friendship.

Bible in One Year: Malachi 1-4

In Touch Alaska Cruise



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