LESSER OF TWO EVILS? Barna: More Than 30 Million Christians Could Sit Out 2024 Presidential Election

Many Americans feel forgotten about.......The government stopped long ago about doing the peoples business, and many have walked away from the Church because they feel it does not matter.........

I strongly recommend this book to all. Charles Stanley sure gave me a spiritual boost in my walk with Jesus!
Sharon and I met Amy in Laramie, Wyoming a year ago so on a Great Commission trip. Amy’s family is growing. Glory to God! We love this family. We love sharing JESUS and carrying out The Great Commission. Here is what Amy wrote on Facebook: Today my little family received this bible in the mail. And I am so excited to get diving into it. Bubba and I have decided that we are going to read a chapter a night.
Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!
FGGAM Photo. We love sharing JESUS everywhere we go. We have a heart for young people! They are our future! Smiths grocery is an excellent place to share JESUS, as is the Post Office and Bank.
Sharon and I love each other so much, We are sold out to JESUS! We were blessed with a 12 day stay in Alaska by our friend Mike Fisher of Windom, Minnesota in August of this year. It was a trip of a lifetime. AWE OF GOD! We had much fun and also we got to share JESUS with many! We listened to their concerns about the American Church. We heard many stories why they left the Church. We built many bridges of love and trust! The trip taught us a lot about how people view the Church. This trip gave us a good education on how to be better at relating with unbelievers. All Christians need to go out and meet people and share JESUS. Plant seeds for Him! Then water them.
FGGAM photo of Pastor Dewey Moede. Sharon and I spent three days in June ministering in Catron County. I am so very thankful to our Lord that Sharon travels with me now! Sharon makes our ministry much stronger! Glory! God gives us such joy! We so much love being a Great Commission ministry! A FULL HOUSE at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood! Glory! God is so very good to us! Folks loved our TEAM JESUS shirt! Onto Alaska!

Sharon and I put all of heart and soul in carrying out The Great Commission. People need love. We need to build trust with all people. That is not happening in either political party. I have no trust in either party. This Presidential campaign is the worst ever, crazy talk, like ‘they are eating their cats and dogs.” Come on now! Outlandish claims, lies, filthy comments…….I want nothing to do with it. Its the worst circus ever! This is the saddest time for me ever. We love JESUS and all people.

Look in ther mirror………..what are you going to do for JESUS?

I am very thankful for the research from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, operated by evangelical pollster George Barna. This week I had a friend send me a message about Barna research. We both agreed that more Christians need to dig into the research done at Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center. I pray all Pastors do. It may change how you put together your sermons to be more effective  in this unbelieving America. Come on now! Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview! Cannot you see the failure of the Church! George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

Sharon and I travel and share JESUS with all. We find that so many have left the Church because they say it is not making a difference in America. America is so very, very divided. Many are sick of the Church being tied to evil politicians and all the sex abuse, which is reported almost every week by the media and here at FGGAM.

As far as voting, Sharon and I will vote, but the sad thing is, this is another election where we will have to vote for the lesser of two evils. It is very sad that this is now the track record of American elections. The last straw for me on this was when the GOP threw the Pro-life movement under the bus. I guess people do not know in their soul that babies are GOD’S! NOT OURS! I even saw on Facebook where at leader of the GOP in New Mexico has caved on the killing of God’s babies. Anything to get elected, right? A TRUE LEADER STANDS FOR THE WAYS OF GOD!

The GOP in New Mexico is so very ineffective, somehow they were not able to stop the worst governor ever from being re-elected, and then they could not stop her from using tax payers money to build a 10 million dollar baby killing factory in Las Cruces! Do they think we are all dumb? Here in New Mexico, sadly we have a very ineffective GOP. The GOP suffers from very poor leadership. Our neighbor, a Navy Veteran tells me, that New Mexico has been ruled by the DEMS for 60 years, it is stuck in the mud.

Both the GOP and DEMS just play on peoples emotions. There is no godly wisdom in either party. Mark Twain said, “The only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the spelling.”

That sure holds true here in America in 2024.

The lesser of two evils it will be……….VOTE how God would have you VOTE! Do your best to vet your candidates with the Word of God. I do not even know if any of them go to Church.

Politics will not change America, only JESUS! JESUS!

We have entered a very dangerous time in America, the Church is losing its influence everyday and our politics is killing us. I have preached on the Great Commission for years, but I am very discouraged to see so many Churches fail to do so. They love their walls, their clubs, they love preaching to the choir,……but yet, many lack baptisims, new members, and growth, sorry for using the following term, “NO FEEDER SYSTEM”, a baseball term for raising up minor leaguers to major leaguers. Many Churches do not have youth in them, no Sunday school for children…………….very sad time, but Sharon and I will continue to carry out The Great Commission.

Many Americans feel forgotten about…….The government stopped long ago about doing the peoples business, and many have walked away from the Church because they feel it does not matter………

In Alaska, we heard that a lot.

JESUS is with me and Sharon, we go with the Holy Spirit…….building bridges of love and trust. Years ago we turned our lives over to JESUS, we love JESUS so very much and we love all people. I was questioned on that, “What do you mean you love all people?” ALL PEOPLE ARE A CHILD OF GOD! You do not get to pick who you favor.

Seek God……He will tell you how to vote……..MAKE SURE AND VOTE PLEASE! I encourage you to read the book, “Living in the Power of The Holy Spirit.” This wonderful book is written by my hero of faith, Charles Stanley. It will sharpen your discernment. As we travel we see that God given discernment is greatly lacking in America and in many Churches. Please read this, it will also sharpen your discernment and I beleive help you how to vote. Satan has a box- a tool kit


Upwards of 104 million people of faith — including some 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church services — are expected to sit out of the 2024 presidential election.

They are likely to hold back from the Nov. 5 contest due to a lack of interest, according to new data from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, operated by evangelical pollster George Barna.

Voter enthusiasm, the study found, decreased significantly from 2020 to 2024. More Here

Why Churches Talk the Great Commission But Don’t Do It

Hard to find journalists in America anymore….they are either left wing or right wing. I was not trained up that way!

Harris campaign pulls a dirty one: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association threatens to sue Evangelicals for Harris over anti-Trump ads

I am seeing the most dirty campaigning I have ever seen in my life! BOTH PARTIES ARE GUILY!

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –

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