KOAT TV Reports: The campaign of former President Donald J. Trump, the Republican candidate for President in the Nov. 5 election, has announced that he will be coming to Albuquerque Thursday to hold a rally beginning at noon at a not-yet-announced location. More Here
OPINION: The Satanic Temple at least is honest about abortion
The importance of – and mandate for – Christians in the public square
Florida Baptists urge rejection of state’s ‘deceptive and extreme’ abortion amendment
New Mexico Gov says Harris not opposed to ‘bolder and bigger’ immigration legislation
FGGAM Shares a Biblical Worldview Everyday:
“The Biblical worldview says there is a God—One who is personal, powerful and caring—who created the world and everything in it. It states unequivocally that man is created in God’s image, living in essence as God’s co-regent over creation. Mankind—born and unborn, rich and poor, able and disabled—has intrinsic worth. Almighty God is a sovereign God, ruler over nations, states, empires, and governments. He is to be worshiped and obeyed through the precepts and principles revealed in His infallible Word. He not only exists, but He is sovereign over all of history according to His wisdom and purposes, and He is intimately involved in every aspect of life.”