What Happened When Billy Graham Came To Israel?

A telegram was sent with Ben Gurion’s conditions: “He does not mind that Billy Graham preaches in the Mann Hall, but he has one condition that Graham will not mention the name of Jesus or read from the Bible”. This little message is very telling to us as believers, and an indication of the great power contained in the word of God and in the name of Jesus.


Have you studied the history of Israel? Does your Pastor preach about what God says about Israel? I pray more Pastors speak out and preach what God says about the ‘apple of his eye.’

From the Berean Box: Moses first used the phrase as a poetic description to express God’s providential care for Israel during the nation’s wilderness wanderings: “He kept him as the apple of His eye” (Dt. 32:10). In practical terms, the phrase speaks of God’s awareness of all abuse and harmful actions against the nation of Israel. The Lord is extremely sensitive to how countries over the centuries have treated His Chosen People.

King David used the phrase in a prayer for God’s guidance and protection from his enemies, as did Moses for Israel. In desperation, David cried out to God, “Keep me as the apple of Your eye” (Ps. 17:8). In other words, David asked God to protect him from harm and death at the hands of his enemies. Moses requested the same for Israel.

The prophet Zechariah said, “He who touches you touches the apple of His eye” (Zech. 2:8). In other words, anyone who harms Israel is harming God.

One For Israel: Even in his death (perhaps promotion would better describe the event), Reverend Billy Graham has once again spread the Gospel far and wide, as tributes flood the mainstream media.

People all over the world are now hearing about his life, along with the message that he lived and breathed: That the cross expressed God’s great love for mankind, and the invitation to receive His forgiveness and spend eternity with Him.

Eternity with God is exactly what Billy Graham is enjoying right now.

Visiting Israel

The unstoppable evangelist even managed to share the Gospel in large public events in Israel; no mean feat today, and back in the 1960s, considerably more so.

Bader Mansour, development officer of the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel, writes of Billy Graham’s visit in 1960. Mansour reports that Reverend Graham was welcomed by Foreign Minister, Golda Meir, who arranged a special lunch in his honor, and was also invited to meet with Israel’s president, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.

However, the Israeli organizers ran into difficulties when attempting to arrange a big rally in Tel Aviv. Israel is notoriously squeamish about evangelism, and the managers of the arena were hesitant to allow it to be used for such an event. The Rest of The Story Here

‘Days of Repentance’ – Israeli overnight strikes hit Iranian military facilities and production sites

History Lesson……

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