What is going on at CBS? Contemporary journalism and the quest for truth

. The late Frank Haley, New Mexico Broadcaster Hall-of Famer, said years ago, "Journalism is rare in America." Frank was the news director at KKIM Christian radio when I managed the station. God Bless the memory of Frank! I think of him everyday!

Dt. Jim Denison. Credit – The Denison Forum [www.denisonforum.org]
We are so very grateful to Charles Stanley’s ministry for supplying us with Bibles as we travel carrying out The Great Commission and to our awesome friend Dwight Kastendieck for his handmade crosses! Glory! We also thank our financial supporters who support our efforts for GOD! We are now in our 13th year of serving at For God’s Glory Alone Ministries – FGGAM Would you pray about helping us with a monthly or one time donation? You can give at FGGAM.ORG The donate button is at the top of the website. Love in JESUS to you all!
Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede, who at that time was GM of KKIM. at the presentation of Frank Haley being inducted to the NM Broadcasters Hall-of-Fame. At that time Frank was the News Director at KKIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque

I really am thankful for Dr. Denison’s message today on journalism. Journalism is about dead in America. Most of the media leans to the left wrong or the right wing. It is a darn right shame. FGGAM and Dr. Jim Denison fit like a glove. We both are a nonpartisan Christian news service. The late Frank Haley, New Mexico Broadcaster Hall-of Famer, said years ago, “Journalism is rare in America.” Frank was the news director at KKIM Christian radio when I managed the station. God Bless the memory of Frank! I think of him everyday! Frank came to me in a dream weeks ago and we were praying together! Glory! Many of my loved ones that have passed into glory have come to me in a dream as have my precious doggie’s  Frank Hayley is now with JESUS

I wrote this awhile back…….

Just like, ‘They are eating their cats and dogs” SHAME! How dumb can it get? Way to many Americans are being guided by their politics and not God. All this junk is one reason why Christianity is falling in America, Christians spreading lies and acting like fools, and supporting bad politicians. I am an Independent, I do not trust any political party. Why are so many Pastors quiet right now in America? We need Pastors to help correct the bad behavior of many Christians. Silence does no good for God.

Instead of spreading lies get on your knees and pray for those in harms way. In the news biz, I was trained as a journalist in 1978 at Brown in Minneapolis and as a news reporter at the Minnesota State News Network, we were required to check with 2 to 3 sources before we could report a story. I was a news reporter, news/talk host, news director, and general manager, in parts of my 42 years in radio. Now in America anything flies…such as eating cats and dogs. We here at FGGAM do our best to practice ethical journalism. As my buddy, the late Frank Hayley who is in the New Mexico Broadcaster Hall of Fame would say, ” Journalism is rare in America.”

If politics could fix Americas, that would have happened years and years ago, the only TRUE FIXER FOR AMERICA IS JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!

Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) was founded nearly a hundred years ago. It is sometimes called the Tiffany Network, alluding to its high programming quality during the tenure of its founding. Now people across the political spectrum are asking, What is going on at CBS?

First came allegations that 60 Minutes edited its interview with Vice President Kamala Harris to favor her. Many called on the network to release a full transcript of the interview; former staffers demanded an independent investigation.

Then came the network’s rebuke of morning anchor Tony Dokoupil after he challenged author Ta-Nehisi Coates’ anti-Israel characterizations and lack of historical context during their discussion of Coates’ one-sided new book on Palestine.

The Washington Post spoke for many in calling the interview good journalism. The chair of CBS’s parent company later admitted that CBS leadership made a “bad mistake” in upbraiding Dokoupil as it did. Gayle King has also been criticized for reportedly giving Coates her questions in advance of her part of their interview.

CBS is also under fire for telling its staff not to refer to Jerusalem as a part of Israel due to its “disputed status.” The Rest of The Story Here

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
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