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What one life can do. The Story of Nicky Winton Who Rescued 669 Children From The Nazis

Photo From Wikipedia. Winton in Prague on 10 October 2007

I watched the movie last night about the life of Nicky Winton. I have basically shutdown TV programming. I am still social media for ministry purposes. The news in America is robbing my joy. I see a America that is failing. American politics is plain hell. I see an American public by large, that does not have a Biblical Worldview, Barna research tells us that just 4% if us have a Biblical Worldview, you can see that from the behavior of much of the American society. The Church is losing it’s influence, I have written much about that. The news media has failed the American public, the majority of the media are either left wing or right wing. Journalism is very hard to find. This is not the America I know, I weep at what we have become. So much hate from both the GOP and DEMS. So many lies on both sides. Many need their mouth washed out with soap.  I do not know how God puts up with us. Last night I watched the true story of Nicky Winton. I strongly suggest you watch it.
We live in a world where many do not beleive that the holocaust took place! My goodness! Right now we see what Putin is doing to Ukraine, and what is taking place in the Middle East. Many take a blind eye to this evil.
What can you and I do? We can show JESUS everyday to everyone we meet. Love on all people. Sharon and I did that yesterday as we went to vote! Here at FGGAM our calling card since God established is this: FGGAM beginning the light of JESUS CHRIST to the world….one person at a time. We are small, but made mighty in the LORD! The LORD knew I needed to be encouraged last night and this movie showed on our streaming service. ONWARD WE GO! Thank YOU LORD! You can make a difference for JESUS, go and carry out The Great Commission. Plant sees for our LORD. The workers are few.

The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population. The murders were carried out primarily through mass shootings and poison gas in extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz-BirkenauTreblinkaBelzecSobibor, and Chełmno in occupied Poland. Separate Nazi persecutions killed a similar or larger number of non-Jewish civilians and prisoners of war (POWs); the term Holocaust is sometimes used to refer to the persecution of these other groups.

IMBd: ONE LIFE tells the true story of Sir Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton, a young London broker who, in the months leading up to World War II, rescued 669 predominantly Jewish children from the Nazis. Nicky visited Prague in December 1938 and found families who had fled the rise of the Nazis in Germany and Austria, living in desperate conditions with little or no shelter and food, and under threat of Nazi invasion. He immediately realised it was a race against time. How many children could he and the team rescue before the borders closed? Fifty years later, it’s 1988 and Nicky lives haunted by the fate of the children he wasn’t able to bring to safety in England; always blaming himself for not doing more. It’s not until a live BBC television show, ‘That’s Life’, surprises him by introducing him to some surviving children – now adults – that he finally begins to come to terms with the guilt and grief he had carried for five decades.

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