Worn Out From All the Nothing Noise? Tired of Politics? Let’s Sing The Lord’s Prayer Together!

Pray with us.......please.......

Alfred ‘Al’ Cassie. Al retired as Senior Chief Officer in the Navy! He at first enlisted in the Marines, then he spent the next 30 years serving in the Navy!

I awoke this morning with a heavy heart for my country. Lord, we are so very divided.

Yesterday I was asked to officiate the funeral of this American hero, Alfred ‘Al’ Cassie. Al retired as Senior Chief Officer in the Navy! He at first enlisted in the Marines, then he spent the next 30 years serving in the Navy! He served two tours in Vietnam. His grandson shared his ‘pa pa’ read the Bible for an hour before bedtime! I am so blessed to be with the family sharing the live of Jesus!

It brought memories of my daddy, a SGT. in the U.S. Marines and his 6 brothers who served in WWII. It reminded my of my friend Roger Carey who was killed in Vietnam, and all the War veterans I have ministered to over the many years.

My heart hurts as I remember their sacrifice, and then look where we are at as a country, fighting each other, divided in half, lies, violence, and other nastiness. A country that has hardly any journalism to it anymore, a left wing or right wing press.

It is sad that Americans now have to FACT CHECK journalism, even though the FACT CHECK IS THE BIBLE! GOD’S WORD IS PURE! So many people are lying! America is falling away from Jesus! Vet everything through the Word of God! You then will clearly see the darkness that covers America.

I told people yesterday that it will even be darker after the election, no matter who wins; JESUS is the only answer, always. How many people will you share Jesus with today? Has America thrown away the Ten Commandments?

Got Questions: The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer the Lord Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. Technically, what is commonly called “the Lord’s Prayer” would be better named “the Model Prayer,” since Jesus was using this prayer as a pattern for His disciples to follow. More Here

Someone asked Billy Graham:

We pray the Lord’s Prayer in our church every week, but do you think the time will ever come when God’s will actually is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven (as the prayer says)? The world is so full of evil that I honestly wonder how it could ever happen. Rev. Graham’s reply may be read HERE.

For your children………

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