Better Not Bitter

Better not Bitter


I told Dr. Cone he needs to write a book, “Better not Bitter.”  With all the hardships he has faced he is better not bitter. Dr. Cone’s life preaches JESUS so much! Glory! How about you and I? Challenge yourself today and all days to be a better person of our loving JESUS! Amen! I am blessed to have so many godly role models! How about you? Surround yourself with people of godly wisdom. Godly wisdom is lacking in America. Many Pastors in America want to be personalities. Just 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview. Barna Research. Dr. Cone and I dug into that very deeply in our conversation. We shared how we see it right before our eyes. Give me some of that old time religion everyday Lord! Glory!

FGGAM Photo. Pastor Dewey Moede and Dr. Claude Cone. Dr. Cone was the leader of the Southern Baptist Church here in New Mexico for 20 years. He is still preaching at 89 years of age! Glory!

God blessed me so much yesterday to have lunch and long talk with Dr. Claude Cone!  He turned 89 this week! He looks 59! He also is celebrating 70 years in ministry! Spending about 2 hours filled with him teaching me, was like 4 years of seminary! Dr. Cone is such a precious soul. He still preaches most Sundays at Churches all across New Mexico! I met him years ago at a men’s breakfast. We also had him on KKIM radio when I managed the station. He appeared on Ask the Pastor with with Pastor Marvin Capehart many times and on Frank Haley’s program. Dr. Cone was the leader of the Southern Baptist Church here in New Mexico for 20 years. He has suffered heart break in his life, the loss of his Mother at his birth, his dad was murdered when Dr. Cone was 14, the death of his son from a car wreck, his wife suffered from Parkinson’s disease for 15 years and passed away. Dr. Cone is a cancer survivor! He says he is better not bitter from his life experiences! Dr. Cone says it is our choice, to be better or bitter, it is between you and God. He gives all glory to Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Dr. Cone preaches Jesus! He is a walking Bible of love! Glory! I am blessed to call him a very dear friend and mentor!

I recently was blessed to hear Dr. Cone deliver the message at my dear fried Alice Haley’s funeral. It moved me so much. Here is what I wrote about it. Dr. Claude Cone: Stay Faithful to The End

What is so cool to me is that Dr. Cone and I are circuit preachers! We know so many of the same Pastors and Churches.

Here is a link to some of Dr. Cone’s sermons at Sandia Baptist Church in Albuquerque Here

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