Carey Nieuwhof: Why are committed church members attending church less often?

What's going on? And what can you do about it?


Carey makes many very good points here! I have been writing and preaching about the same for years now. As has George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

Change is a surprise to those that are not prepared for change. Our society is rapidly changing. Sadly, many Pastors and Churches are not prepared for the change.

Carey Nieuwhof

Declining attendance isn’t a surprise for the vast majority of churches in 2024.

The surprising issue?

Even in growing churches, committed church members are attending church less often.

One recent survey found that people who attend 1-2x’s per month declined from 34% to 28% in just two years.

Today, I’m not sharing ideas on why people are leaving the church. Instead, I’m digging into why people who love your church, who love God and may even be involved in serving, attend less often.

What’s going on? And what can you do about it?

Avoid Isolation in Leadership

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