Wally Moede: A life of Service

In World War II it was all hands on deck. My daddy, like many young men, left school to fight for our freedom. He became a Sergeant in six month's time!


My Dad and Mom’s Resting place in Windom, Minnesota. Wally and Ruth Moede. My role models! I love them so very much! I miss them so very, very much!
U.S. Marine Wally Moede in WWII located in China

Wally and Ruth Moede

November 1946:  Pictured at the very top is my precious daddy, Wally Moede, in the Marine Corps in Chinwangtao China after a game of football.  Daddy was a Sergeant.  The photograph at the top was taken after a game of football.  He enlisted at age 17.  In World War II, it was all hands on deck.  My daddy, like many young men, left school to fight for our freedom.  He became a Sergeant in six month’s time!  I miss him so much.

After military service, he came back to Windom, Minnesota, his hometown, and married my mom, Ruth Irene Caraway.  He served as the town’s Assistant Fire Chief.  He worked at his brother Joe’s grocery store, was a custodian at Windom High School, and then became Transportation Director at the Windom Area School District – ISD 177 as well as head usher at the American Lutheran Church.

Mom and Dad were the best parents and grandparents!  Thank you, Lord.  They taught us what serving is all about!  Mom served as head cook at Winfair School.  They did what Jesus commands us to do, serve others.

In John 13:15, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet as an example of how to serve others.  He said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”  In Philippians 2:3-5, the Bible says to value others above yourself and look out for their interests.  I have tried my best to carry out what I was taught.  Sharon and I have done our best to lay the ground work for our children and grandchildren.  Take care of your family.

My challenge to all of us today and all days is, how are you going to serve JESUS and people?  Can you up your service?  Love others more and more today and all days.  Do not put yourself first in line.  Do not be bashful about serving JESUS!  He sure is not bashful about his love for you!

Please read more about my daddy and my dear friend Roger Carey who was from my hometown of Windom, Minnesota.  Roger was killed in the Vietnam War. Roger and my dad were great friends.  More Here

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