You will weather your personal storm

Greg Laurie: When we say God is all powerful, it doesn’t mean that God will do something foolish, wrong, arbitrary, or sinful. God is also righteous, good, and holy, and He won’t do anything that would contradict His nature. As Scripture says, “God cannot deny Himself.” We know this: God cannot lie, and God cannot die. So, what is impossible to God? Not that which is difficult to His power, but rather that which is contrary to His nature. It’s not so much a question of whether God can’t do something as much as it is an assertion that God won’t do something.

FGGAM Photo: Yesterday I preached Open at Door Bible Church in Los Alamos! My message was on VISION. Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish. But he keepeth the law, happy is he.” What is your vision for your life? God reveals his plan, he gives us guidance in regards to his plan. Those who follow his guidance are happy they do. Without vision Churches perish, communities perish, (Look at Albuquerque it is dying , no vision, families perish, kids roam the streets and get into trouble, that is Albuquerque. I love coming to Pastor Paul Jaramillo’s Church. I have made so many friends over the years like Denise and Betty! If you are looking for a Church home in the LA area let me know, I will put you in contact with Pastor Paul. The Church was about full yesterday and then we all enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal! Pastor Paul and his wife Pat are doing a tremendous outreach in the Los Alamos/Espanola area.
I pray God has given you a vision for your life and your walking it out, it is the only way to love. From the words of Clara Nelson: God gives us so many blessings each day, thank you Lord for health and strength. There are so many people lost on sin, Lord, please show me how to bring them in.

The Christian Post

By Greg Laurie, Op-ed contributor 

These are uncertain times, and we need a real certainty that will help us to get through it.

Here’s what we can count on. Though elections come and go, though times and circumstances may change, our God never changes. Everything else constantly changes all around us, but God never will. In Malachi 3:6, He says, “I am the Lord, I do not change.” Believing in God won’t necessarily alter your circumstances, though it certainly might. More often than not, however, it will change you. It will help you to view your circumstances properly.

We will weather our national storm and you will weather your personal one. More Here

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