I beleive with my whole heart and soul that the American Church has gotten to comfortable. To much plush, fancy, bragging, egos, competing with each others for memberships…………We do not even know what persecution is…..put your yourself in someone else’s shoes, someone who is being persecuted. Many tell us ther reason they do not go to Church here in America is that they see it as being ineffective in solving the growing number of problems, like not stopping the hate, telling us also that to many Pastors are drowning in politics….the list goes on. Time for many American Churches to look into the mirror! Are you being effective in turning the tide of violence in your own community? Albuquerque is raging with sin. Hell on earth.

My mentor, the late Pastor Don Kimbro did not write here at FGGAM  to please man, but to be pleasing to the Lord. Don ruffled the feathers of some Pastors during his lifetime……he weas not afraid to do so as he stated Biblical truths. By the way, Don is one of the most read authors here at FGGAM in our almost 14 years! Butts, Bucks and Buildings! Written by the late Pastor Don Kimbro in 2023

Just think, Just 4% of Americans have a Biblcial Worldview. Barna Reserch.

Do You Have a Biblical Worldview? It is the Biggest Crisis in The World!

Prayers up!

The Christian Post

By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor 

The Christian population in areas governed by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas has plummeted drastically by up to 90% in some communities, a new study suggests, attributing the decline to violence, discrimination and economic hardships that threaten the survival of Christianity in its historical heartland.

The Christian demographic in Palestinian territories has experienced a dramatic reduction over the past century. In 1922, Christians made up 11% of the population in geographical Palestine. By 2024, this number had dwindled to 1%, marking a nearly 90% decrease, according to a study conducted by the Israeli think tank Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs. More Here

LORD HAVE MERCY! Deadly violence in Nigeria linked to breakup of United Methodist Church over LGBTQ policies

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