If we do not protect our children who will? Whistleblower files lawsuit against New Mexico CYFD following death of child

Do you not see the wrong? The GOP and DEMS and all of us have failed miserably in protecting God's children! The Church is asleep. Church attendance is declining in New Mexico. If we do not protect our children who will? To know truth is to know God. All truth is God’s truth. The devil doesn’t have any truth; he is the source of deception.


If we do not protect our children who will? We have failed. The people of New Mexico need to visit God’s Communication Center! What is that you say? It is the Bible! God speaks to us through His Word. The Church in New Mexico should be mourning the loss of God’s babies. The Church needs to repent. We all do. Stop the high school pep rallies and seek the face of Jesus. Stop the bragging of how great you are. God is Awesome.

How many children have to die or be harmed by the dysfunction of this state agency?? The people of New Mexico should be ashamed that they allow the CYFD to stay open as is! I have stated for how many years, 25? CYFD is full of the devil! State settles wrongful death lawsuit against CYFD for $4.9 million Why New Mexico do you allow such dysfunction??? I guess this should not surprise me as you kill God’s babies at a record pace through abortion and your going to open a 10 million dollar baby killing factory in Las Cruces with taxpayers money! New Mexico’s 10 million dollar baby killing factory.  What in God’s name is wrong with you? It seems you love your Lobo’s or Aggies more than you do God’s children! My goodness! So many Pastors in this state are very silent about the killing of God’s babies! Shame! I could just spit nails! Such shame, We all will have to answer to God.

Do you not see the wrong? The GOP and DEMS and all of us have failed miserably in protecting God’s children! The Church is asleep. More New Mexicans Have Stopped Going to Church

Evil thickens in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico, it does not get better here, it gets worse. The solution is not in a political playbook, it is in the Word of God. I am neither a Republican or Democrat, I believe both have many problems with God. I am a man of God and Sharon is a woman of God, we do not identify ourselves as politicians, we are people of God.

Now this!

HOBBS, N.M. (KRQE) – A whistleblower is taking legal action against New Mexico’s Children Youth & Families Department (CYFD) with claims the department’s actions led to a child’s death and that she’s been subject to a hostile work environment in retaliation for speaking out.

The lawsuit comes after the employee refused to obey directions from a CYFD supervisor, as the whistleblower tried to relocate a child to a better home, claiming the child’s living situation was dangerous. More Here

Adrian Rogers: Truth is to your spirit what food is to your body. Truth is to your spirit what light is to your eyes. Truth is to your spirit what melody is to your ears. When you read, don’t read merely to get facts; read to get truth. You’ve only got one life. Do you want to live and die without learning the truth? To know truth is to know God. All truth is God’s truth. The devil doesn’t have any truth; he is the source of deception.

I will leave you with this…….There is very little Church unity in New Mexico. The 3 biggest Churches in Albuquerque garner around 30,000 folks. I do not see them working together. Why do they not? What would happen for Jesus if all 30 thousand would sweep through the metro on foot and share the love of JESUS? Pastor unity is also a problem in Albuquerque, we have a Church on every street corner, why can’t they work together? If the Church cannot unite, why would people think congregants can? Tear down the walls Pastors. This have ‘your own kingdom’ has failed God. look at us! The Church in New Mexico should be in mourning.

Seeking Truth Feeds Your Spirit

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