LORD HAVE MERCY! Deadly violence in Nigeria linked to breakup of United Methodist Church over LGBTQ policies

The United Methodist Church has filed a lawsuit against the Global Methodist Church to reverse the government certificate (license to operate as a denomination in Nigeria) from GMC to UMC. Bishop Schol said that recent events are changing the minds of many, including some people who left The United Methodist Church and are now returning. “A group of 400,000 United Methodists who left during Bishop Yohanna’s tenure have now returned, strengthening the United Methodist witness and mission,” he said.

From AP. African delegates to the General Conference of the United Methodist Church pray outside the Charlotte Convention Center, in Charlotte, N.C., Thursday, May 2, 2024. (AP Photo/Peter Smith, File)

We are so very heartbroken at this news. Methodist vs. Methodist. Jesus wept. So very, very tragic. We mourn of over the deaths and injured.


United Methodist News Service Reports:

There has been division in The United Methodist Church in Nigeria for years. That conflict was heightened by the formation of the theologically conservative Global Methodist Church in 2022 and the resignation of former Nigeria bishop John Wesley Yohanna earlier this year. Yohanna announced in July that he was leaving The United Methodist Church and joining the breakaway denomination. Bishop Schol and a team of United Methodist bishops have been overseeing the episcopal area since August.  More Here

AP Report

The news service said the reported violence on Sunday stemmed from a schism in the worldwide United Methodist Church over its decision to repeal LGBTQ bans — and the ensuing formation of the new Global Methodist Church by breakaway conservative churches. More Here

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