New Mexico governor releases proposed budget for next year. Where is all the pot money???? What has improved in the state?

I have a bone to pick with the GOP and DEMS! With that budget surplus give us tax payers a rebate of thousands of dollars! We float ther boat here along with the oil industry. Also cut property taxes! What is wrong with you all, you are taxing us homeowners to death!!!! Give us some of our money back! Where is the tea party when you need it??!!?? Where is all the pot money???? What has improved in the state? Here is something I have been praying this morning. Father, I want to continue to always grow into a more intimate relationship with You. Expose the areas of my life that hinder me from being Christlike, and cause my life to reflect the character of my precious Savior and Lord. I would ask that you pray about reading THE BAIT OF SATAN by John Bevere.

Where is all the pot money? Went up in flames I guess.!!!

Father, I want to continue to always grow into a more intimate relationship with You. Expose the areas of my life that hinder me from being Christlike, and cause my life to reflect the character of my precious Savior and Lord.

Where is all the pot money???? What has improved in the state?

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham claims that her budget is a “fiscally responsible spending plan.” HOGWASH! The joke is on us, the taxpayers of New Mexico. Governor Lujan Grisham has wasted more tax dollars than any public servant I have known! The people of this state reelected her! My goodness people!!!! I am very frustrated not only with the governor and her democrat buddies, but also the GOP! Why do we have such a mess here year after year???? Even when GOP governor Martinez held office, nothing changed for the better!

I have a bone to pick with the GOP and DEMS! With that budget surplus give us taxpayers a rebate of thousands of dollars! We float ther boat here along with the oil industry. Also cut property taxes! What is wrong with you all, you are taxing us homeowners to death!!!! Give us some of our money back! Where is the tea party when you need it! I am so sick and tried of all the political talk on both sides, nothing gets better here, it is all ‘nothing noise’.

Year after year, the state pours millions of our money down a rat hole, our schools finish last, CYFD continues to sink into hell……….crime grows……..whatever happened to all the pot money that was supposed to help the state? Hello?????? Yep, now we have pot heads driving and crashing into homes. Such a good use of our hard earned money! Yep, we are the abortion Capitol of America and think we are hot stuff! What a joke. God will have the final say on all of us at the judgment seat. The judgment seat of Christ involves a time in the future when believers will give an account of themselves to Christ. More Here

I have lived here long enough to hear that when the casinos started, education would improve and our roads would improve, what a lie. Pot money was to be the answer for renewal here. More lies. Show me the money! Pot Money in New Mexico! 1 Billion in Sales!

The following is a Press Release from Governor Lujan Grisham.

Why was the governor allowed to spend 10 million dollars of OUR MONEY on her abortion factory in Las Cruces????? NM Abortion Factory. Where is the courage to do what is right in this state?????? The majority of politicians think we are just plain fools I guess.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham released a FY26 executive budget recommendation that builds on progress made during her first six years in office while boosting investments in health care, child well-being and infrastructure across New Mexico.

The budget recommendation includes $10.9 billion in recurring spending––an increase of 5.3% over current year spending. The budget contains an additional $172 million for state employee pay raises, which includes additional compensation for New Mexico educators

The executive recommendation maintains reserves at 30.4%.

“This fiscally sound budget proposal prioritizes early childhood education, clean energy, infrastructure, affordable housing, and expanded healthcare access to build a stronger foundation for New Mexicans,” said Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. “My administration looks forward to discussing these proposals with state lawmakers and reaching consensus on the priorities that matter most to our state.”

Today’s budget release comes more than a month before the Jan. 21 start of the New Mexico Legislature, providing lawmakers and the public as much time as possible to review the document and provide input.

“Transparency drives trust,” said Lujan Grisham. “Our early release of the executive budget ensures everyone has time to review our priorities for New Mexico.”

KRQE NEWS: New Mexico governor releases proposed budget for next year

KOAT TV NEWS: New Mexico governor seeks funding to recycle fracking water, expand preschool, treat mental health

Where is the Church in New Mexico on abortions, child abuse, CYFD, Children with guns, children dying, child well being, pot, booze, failing education, homelessness, poverty……

New Mexico always finds a way to invite trouble into the state……..that is sadly part of the heritage here.

Any marijuana use was linked to a higher risk for heart attacks and strokes, but people who used it most frequently had the highest odds. Adults who used marijuana daily had 25% higher odds of having a heart attack and 42% higher odds of stroke than people who didn’t use it at all. Pot and Mental Health

More New Mexicans Have Stopped Going to Church

Violence at Albuquerque High School

APD chief looking to gain support for new statewide task force

Here is something I have been praying this morning.

Father, I want to continue to always grow into a more intimate relationship with You. Expose the areas of my life that hinder me from being Christlike, and cause my life to reflect the character of my precious Savior and Lord.

I would ask that you pray about reading THE BAIT OF SATAN by John Bevere.

“Jesus has life; you have existence. You don’t have life until you know the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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