Believe In Your Dreams In 2025… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Believe In Your Dreams In 2025…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I have had some pretty big words spoken over my life. God placed those in my heart long before they were ever spoken over me. I want to fulfill them. I want everything that God has for me in this life. I am not leaving planet earth until they are fulfilled. What about you this morning? Do you know you have access on every subject right in the Bible. Download that app on your phone today and ask God to help you believe.

Whatever you have need of this morning, you have direct access. You don’t need to go through anybody. Straight up your prayers go directly to the throne room. That makes this girl down on her knees every morning talking things over with him. I love he hears my every whisper of his name. I love to pray with the highest authority in heaven and earth, it’s all in Jesus’ name and it’s all for his glory. Amen?

Ready for a good day? Ready to talk it out?

Let’s Pray:

Father nothing is impossible for you. This morning, we thank you for putting dreams in the hearts of your people. Limitless Jesus, your every promise will come to pass. For you said it is not by might, nor by power but by your spirit. (Zechariah 4:6)

Father, we believe your every Word to us. You are a Good Father and there is no good thing you will withhold from us. (Psalm 84:11)

Father, we put every dream that you placed in our hearts today on the altar. We give it back to you for fulfillment. It was your idea in the first place, as you placed it in our heart to begin with. You love life, you love people and so do we. Order our footsteps according to your plan, we pray. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Believe in your dreams in 2025 and thank God for fulfillment. This could be the day!



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