Billy Graham’s Friendship With Martin Luther King Jr. Can President-elect Trump Help bring Peace to America??

Do you ever wonder what GOD thinks of America? 


Today is Martin Luther King Day. Today is also the inauguration of President=elect Donald Trump. Let us look at the lives of Martin Luther King, Billy Graham and President-elect Donald Trump.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Graham shared the conviction that the only solution to racial tension is the love of Christ. Watch this short documentary about how they worked together to change a divided nation. We live in a day where America is so very divided, the most since the turmoil of the 60’s. Will President-elect Donald Trump be able to bring America together? I pray so.

President-elect Trump To Sign More Than 200 Executive Actions Following Tomorrow’s Inauguration

Christianity is falling in America. These are very dangerous times. It seems to me so many Americans love their politics and football more that JESUS! Our behavior shows it! Just 4% of us have a Biblical Worldview. Watch George Barna’s video below.

Americans’ Ratings of U.S. Professions Stay Historically Low. Pastors and Judges Have Fallen The Most.

Do you ever wonder what GOD thinks of America?

I think much of America needs to go to Sunday School 101. We do not get to determine the truth, GOD is truth. GOD has it all written down for us in the Bible.

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