Florida Church opens doors to anyone in need of food, shelter: ‘This is what the Lord wants us to do’

Prophets like Isaiah and Amos challenged societal neglect of the poor and homeless. Isaiah 58:7 urges, “Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter.” Is your Church helping the homeless in your community, if not, why not? ! We must all help the homeless anyway we can. Every little bit of love counts. Every soul matters. Seek the Lord, He will tell you what you are to do!


How are you modeling JESUS to your community? Yes! You! My first boss in Christian Radio the late Ed Moore,  called me into his office on my second day of work in 1986 and asked me, “So Dewey, how are you and the Lord getting along?” That got me attention! I carry Ed’s question with me everyday to keep me in check! How about you? How are you and the Lord getting along?

What prevents your Church from opening its doors to the homeless? Many Churches are so huge they could serve so many souls. So many Churches big and small sit empty during the week, except on Sundays and Wednesday nights. What do you think God thinks about that? Do you ever think what God will ask you at the judgment seat?

I think to many folks are concerned about the carpet getting dirty in their Church, the cosmetics of the Church are so very, very important. My goodness! How about a soup kitchen every noon hour? We need more Mother Tereasa’s in America and the world! When Sharon and are are out and about carrying out the Great Commission, we hear more often that not, people saying, “The Church has lot its influence.” That is proven by Barna Research. Please watch the video below.

Got Questions states: Believers are secure in Christ, but they still must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. It will be a time of examination and a time of reward. Jesus will inspect our works. What did we do with the resources God gave us? How faithful were we? Were we yielded to the Spirit, seeking to honor Christ and further His work in the world?  More Here

We are out and about spreading the love and care of Jesus, but we do not do enough! We are trying. Many homeless folks just need to be shown the love of Jesus. I gave a homeless man a Cross the other day outside Wecks Restaurant on Juan Tabo in Albuquerque, he had a Bible he was reading. The man was filled with joy! We must all help the homeless anyway we can. Every little bit of love counts. Every soul matters. Seek the Lord, He will tell you what you are to do!

Prophets like Isaiah and Amos challenged societal neglect of the poor and homeless. Isaiah 58:7 urges, “Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter.” This call to provide shelter underscores the importance of treating the poor with respect and compassion.

Is your community a better place because of your Church? It drives me nuts to see so many Churches empty during the day as we travel WHY??? is that in the Bible to close your doors???

The Christian Post

By Samantha Kamman, Christian Post Reporter

The founder of a Florida church comprised mostly of homeless people explained how the Lord provided her with the space to open the doors to those in need of food and shelter, the embodiment of Christ-like behavior.

100 Church, located inside a storefront in North Port, began offering free community dinners in October 2020, when many churches had stopped providing such services due to the government’s COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. That same year, 100 Church provided shelter to anyone needing a place to stay.

“We’re just a small, local church, and we asked the Lord to show us how we could serve our community,” ​​​​​​​Cheryl Reber, who founded 100 Church in 2019, told The Christian Post. More Here


  1. This is a must read! I found the linked article presented by Got Questions regarding the judgement seat of Christ v. the great white throne judgement to be really helpful!

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