Has most everything turned into politics, the blame game, and hate in America? I am very serious about this problem, the politics and hate is now in the reporting of many Christian news organizations and even in some pulpit’s of the American Church. My heart breaks. FGGAM will not take part in that at all. We do not support any political party, we do not support hate, we do not support conspiracy theories, either does our God! God is our rock! We stand as strong as we can in God, not man. God is truth.
I have always said politics is the playground of Satan. There is no unity in the American Church. Only 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. As far as politics is concerned, it has divided our country more and more. I have warned about the problems of the Church and politics. Looking at the latest polls as of last night, our country is still about evenly divided politically. Many Churches in America sit half or more empty on Sundays. Tragically just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. Politics has become a religion in America. Many in America are blinded by the fact we have a JESUS PROBLEM! Watch the George Barna video below.
I just read this editorial below in my home state newspaper, the Minnesota Star and Tribune. I used to deliver this newspaper when I was 9 years old back home in Windom, Minnesota. At that time they were two separate newspapers, the Tribune in the morning and the Star in the afternoon! I had just about 100 customers for Sundays Tribune!
I wrote earlier today that we are in a time where we need to stop the politics, the conspiracy theories and the blame game, the hate, regarding this horrific tragedy! For heaven’s sake! My goodness! We are going down the wrong road here in America…..we must show compassion and the love of Jesus to all……How strong is your Church? How many baptisims in 2024? How many new members? Is your children’s Sunday school program growing? Is your youth program growing? Is your Church involved in your community? What sort of outreach does your Church do? Does your Church carry out The Great Commission?
This so so well written!
Minnesota Star and Tribune Opinion editor’s note: Editorials represent the opinions of the Minnesota Star Tribune Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.
On Wednesday, in Washington, D.C., a day of political chaos yielded to a night of aviation chaos, as news broke of a midair collision between an American Airlines jet and an Army helicopter.
By dawn on Thursday, clarity came in the worst way, with officials informing families, the nation and the world of the worst possible outcome: All 64 passengers on the airplane and three service members on the helicopter were feared dead. By midmorning, the rescue mission had become a recovery one, with dozens of bodies retrieved from the cold Potomac River.
In the coming days much more will be known about the civilian and military victims. One of the few facts available as this editorial was published is that several travelers on the jet were figure skaters from the U.S. and Russia, many of whom had been at the national figure skating championships held in Wichita, Kan., over the weekend. More Here