Hell On Earth! Albuquerque is Dying: 5 teens arrested in ABQ. 14-year-old boy fatally shot

There are so many people who need the Lord and are waiting to have an encounter with Him. Will you labor in the harvest? 


Why does FGGAM post stories like this? It is to give you a clear picture of the raging evil in this city, state, in America and world. It is to make you aware that Christianity is falling in New Mexico and all over America.

Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.” I encourage you to study the life of Francis Shaeffer. Many in the world have forgotten him. Throughout his life and ministry, Schaeffer taught us that the truth of the gospel and the triune God of the gospel must be central in our lives. Schaeffer was probably best known for his calling the evangelical church to live under the Lordship of Christ and to bring our entire lives and thoughts captive to ChristMore Here

Neil T. Anderson warns:

The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are. He can’t change God and he can’t do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can get us to believe a lie, we will live as though our identity in Christ isn’t true.

FGGAM Photo of the Gate of Heaven Chapel in Albuquerque.

FGGAM is not bound by any Church organization or political party, we are free. We present as Biblical Worldview everyday now for almost 13 years! We are free in JESUS has made us free. We are not held down by any denomination or political party. God has set us free. There is nothing like freedom in the LORD! Yesterday when I was officiating a funeral, by the way I preached a message of the love and care of Jesus, “To Die is Gain.” While I was preaching at the Gate of Heaven Chapel, the Lord cut me more loose than ever and I just poured out the love of JESUS to all. I got very personal with those in attendance through this message of death on earth and eternal life. Many came forward afterwards to talk. Compassion with accountability is what I preach.

Matthew 9:36-38 says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Come on Albuquerque, we are losing our city to Satan! Do you not See??? What is your Church doing about carrying out The Great Commission! Our children are dying, they are even killing each other. What the majority of Churches are doing here is having very little or no affect on the spiritual condition of the city. Many in Albuquerque and all over America are lost, devoured by Satan. As I just shared, I officiated a funeral yesterday, I shared with the folks we need to love on each other, despite our differences, we need to love all, we need to agree to disagree at times in the love of Jesus. We need to help hurting families so many children never get a chance go to Sunday school or be baptized. The Church has forgotten about the Great Commission, I have said this for years. FGGAM is a Great Commission Ministry. Our Church is the world, not in enclosed by walls. STEP IT UP CHURCH AND GO! GO! FOR JESUS! 14 year-old’s are being shot to death here.

Matthew 9:36-38 says, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” God uses this analogy to highlight the fact that there are a lot of persons who need to be cared for and brought to God. He petitions for prayer so the laborers will play their role in the harvest. He needs us to preach the word, heal others and care for those persons who now accept Him into their lives.

There are so many persons who need the Lord and are waiting to have an encounter with Him. Will you labor in the harvest?  From Nations Church.

What are you going to do for the Lord today? Make your life about Jesus and not a building. People are being killed here, get outside! So many do not go to Church anymore, the research I have posted for months now proves that. Too may high school type pep rallies and not enough action on the streets for JESUS! People are losing interest in belonging to a Church. Get out and talk to folks, young and old. Losing Religion: More New Mexicans have stopped going to church

New Mexico does not even let many babies be born, the people here allow the killing of babies by abortion. I do not even hear a peep out of the GOP about any legislation to stop the killing of babies! Much of the Church and politicians play ‘political football’ with God’s babies. They will have to sit on the judgment seat one day, what will they say to GOD? What is the judgement seat?

Much prayer, but very little repentance in New Mexico. NO CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR! The state continues to murder God’s babies by abortion, gun fire and other violence. Drop your pom poms and hit the streets for JESUS! Many see the ineffectiveness of the American Church, that is just one reason people leave the Church.

Maybe you need to get off social media and get to work for JESUS!

KOB TV: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Albuquerque Police released details on a double shooting from early Wednesday morning that left one person dead and one in the hospital with gunshot wounds.

Homicide detectives said that a group of teens attempted to rob a couple as they drove into The Ridge apartments near Copper and Tramway NE. A 14-year-old boy ended up fatally shot and now five teens have been arrested, with two others wanted by police. More Here

ABQ RAW: Teens Crime Spree Leads to Crew Member Being Killed, Santa Fe Lawmakers Still Stagnant on Crime Bills

I just posted this YESTERDAY! GET WITH IT CHURCH! REACH THE LOST! Juvenile Steals Car and Has Extended Mag Gun on Him When Arrested by Albuquerque Police

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham ‘Applauds’ New Mexico Supreme Court’s Decision Striking Down Local Abortion Restrictions

New Mexico Abortion Landscape 2024: Dangerous Trend- Out of State Traffic and Chemical Abortions Expanding Throughout the State

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