Because of this scandal so many suspected drunk drivers will never appear in court. Such shame. What message does this send to a state that already is so lawless? Drunk driving kills many in this state! Then some thugs let them loose!  This whole thing stinks to high heaven! Irreparable damage has been down to New Mexico law enforcement thanks to a bunch of thugs.

Neil T. Anderson warns:

The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are. He can’t change God and he can’t do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can get us to believe a lie, we will live as though our identity in Christ isn’t true.

FGGAM has a report from KOB TV that this scandal may go back 20 years! Oh my! Complete meltdown of Biblical principles. This scandal runs deep…….will all the evil ever be uncovered? Will all those involved in this scandal be held accountable?

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The FBI and U.S. Attorney said they are using every tool available to them to uncover the extent of the DWI Deception scheme that they claim involves multiple New Mexico law enforcement agencies and at least two attorneys. More Here

New Mexico has a long history of corruption: The Santa Fe Ring was a group of politicians, lawyers, and land speculators in New Mexico from 1865 to 1912. The Ring was known for its corruption and land dispossession. I have lived here since 1995, not much has changed. More Here

Hell On Earth! Albuquerque is Dying: 5 teens arrested in ABQ. 14-year-old boy fatally shot

Irreparable Damage Has Been Done! NM Reacts to Law Enforcement DWI Scandal

APD officer retires ahead of interview in connection to DWI Unit scandal. Governor, State’s Top Law Enforcement Officer respond to DWI corruption scheme

Watch the video below about the Santa Fe Ring……..Corruption is still rampant in this state.

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