OPINON: 2025 will be a pivotal year for many churches. About 15,000 churches will close.

 Thom S. Rainer: Of the 375,000 congregations in the U. S., we estimate that four percent of them will no longer have the funds to compensate a full-time pastor. This shift is enormous, and it might be more significant. Since over one-half of churches today do not have the budget to pay full-time pastors, we can easily see the part-time pastor model becoming the dominant model.


This news brought me back to years ago when I was working with a Church that had gone through two splits. It was very emotional for me. I will never forget what Dr. Joseph Bunce, head of the Southern Baptist Convention in New Mexico told me, “Dewey, some Churches just need to have a funeral!” That shocked me! I had been working my tail off trying to help that congregation. That statement by Dr. Bunce has stuck with me. Sadly, I see to many Churches struggling. This past year my heart ached when I went to preach at a Church and there where just 10 people, in a Church that once was full. So very sad. I see it more and more as I travel.

I got all call this week from a Church that is without a Pastor. I will be going at the end of the month to preach there. Their Pastor has resigned. I was talking to another Pastor here in Albuquerque and his Church is trying to merge with another Church. I think merging of Churches is a good thing. Why have a building that is just used used a couple of times a week for 15 to 25 people? I know of Churches that have so much unused space! It drives me nuts! Is it wise to have such unused space in the house of God? There is power in numbers!  Recently I had lunch with Dr. Claude Cone, who at one time was the head of the Southern Baptist Convention in New Mexico. We both expressed a great concern of the dropping attendance in many Churches across New Mexico. He and I have seen Churches that once had 100 people a Sunday drop to 6. Dr. Cone is 89 and still preaching most Sundays, he has become such a trusted mentor of mine! Here at FGGAM we keep our finger on the pulse of the Church.

This situation is not new to us at FGGAM. We have been reporting on the downward of Christianity in America now for years! I am very concerned for many Churches as is  Thom S. Rainer. Geroge Barna has been on top of this issue for a long time. Many in the Church are ignoring his warning. Dr. George Barna – The Decline of Biblical Worldview in America; This is the Crisis of Our Time!

It is going to be another rocky 4 years here in America. Christianity is declining and our politics is nasty.

Pastors, use your Church space wisely.

Will Thomas S. Rainer’s prediction of 15,000 Churches closing in America come forth?….Seems a lot to me……but then again who would have thought we would get to a point where only 4% of Americans have a Biblcial Worldview.

Thom S. Rainer

Christian Post

Dad told me they were tornado clouds.

I was a kid in the 1960s when he uttered those words. I was too young to realize that we might be facing a potential threat. The technology that could confirm his prediction did not exist. I have vague memories of the clouds having a different tint than typical clouds, but nothing else pointed toward the possibility that a tornado was on the way.

Dad was right. The clouds produced more than one tornado. We were fortunate that the tornadoes did not get too close to my hometown. But I will not forget his warning that a major storm was on the way. More Here

Billy Graham focused on unity among Christians, not on divisions.

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