The crumbling of the foundations of Churches. Satan is devouring many Christians. Texas Episcopal priest charged with stealing over $300K from church

The winds of evil blow across America.......And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade. John 2:17 He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you make it a den of robbers.’” — Matthew 21:13


Many Churches in America have forgotten to build bridges to folks who do not know JESUS! Too many love preaching to the choir! WAKE UP CHURCH! IT IS CALLED THE GREAT COMMISSION!

In all my years as a news reporter I have never ever seen so many crimes being committed by Pastors. It is a sign of the times for sure. So many are chasing people away from the Church. Crimes against God and his people crush my heart! Christianity is falling in America. I have been screaming this for years…..over the years the Church has went down its own path, a business type model, not God’s. I am here for God not man. I am not a popular preacher, we are going against the grain, some might say we go against the winds evil. Satan is devouring many Christians. Dr. George Barna – The Decline of Biblical Worldview in America; This is the Crisis of Our Time!

Pastors, be not concerned by a business model, its not about cosmetics, not about fancy, dancy things, its not about power, its not about Facebook egos, boasting of your latest whatever, it is to be all about GOD and souls. Enough of the high school type pep rally’s. I see the crumbling of the America Church model right before my eyes. MONEY is to much  of a focus! Give me a penny and I will use it for God. Butts, Bucks and Buildings! Written by the late Pastor Don Kimbro in 2023

The American Church is in competition with each other! Just watch all the advertising. My heartbreaks for those Churches that have 10 to 30 in attendance! Why is there competition and boasting among Churches?

The Christian Post

By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor

An Episcopal church priest has been charged with allegedly stealing more than $300,000 from a Texas church, with a court appearance for the accused clergyman still pending.

The Rev. Edward Monk, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Corsicana, Texas, was indicted last month on the charges of stealing over $300,000, fraudulently using an elderly person’s identity, and credit card abuse of an elderly individual.

Monk was arrested on Dec. 21, 2024, and later released after he posted bail, the Episcopal News Service reports. The total amount that he allegedly stole hasn’t been publicly released. More Here

On Jan. 6th FGGAM News Director Chuck Akeley reported this evil…….

Arizona Pastor Admits Placing Video Camera and Recording Women in Church Bathroom

Do you have the disabled coming to your Church? Do you have the homeless coming to your Church, do you have addicts coming to your Church, do you have the poor coming to Church, do you have people in wheelchairs coming to your Church? if not, why not?

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