Just Say Yes!
Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Happy Valentine’s Day! Recently, in a group I belong, I was asked to post my favorite love story with my picture. This is what I shared. My favorite love story is when I felt the love of God for myself. No person gave it to me, and no one could take it away. He continually pours out blessings upon me and I absolutely love being his daughter. Together we are royalty.
I would love to give all my readers a gift today. It’s the best gift I ever received and because it is so precious, I wanted everyone in the whole world to have the same opportunity to receive it as well. It’s the love of God. It’s for everyone who can believe and receive. You just need to say, yes. Yes, to his will and yes to his way.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Let’s Pray:
Father, your Word tells us that there is no depth, height, width, no way to measure your love, it is infinite. It is a treasure received in the heart, and we can experience it every day.
Father, I pray on Valentine’s Day 2025 that your love would take root in the hearts of your people all across this globe. That you would remove any doubt. Amen.
Have a blessed Valentine’s Day God’s most beautiful people. Just say yes! Yes, to Jesus.
If you would like to receive an email with a one-page devotion, email me at amurchison07@gmail.com… Jesus loves you, He sure does.