A very sad commentary on the on the state of the state of New Mexico. Many children never get a chance here to succeed in life here. Need I remind you that many babies are killed here by abortion? New Mexico just does not give many a chance at all a the life God has created. Such shame. The we have an increase in teenagers killing teenagers. Shame, shame. So many high school type pep rallies year after year, and it just gets worse here. REPENT BEFORE THE LORD! CHANHED BEHAVIOR NEEDED! Go into you prayer closest and confess of your sins. Abortion Worker Quits University of New Mexico Center For Reproductive Health Facility

New Mexico’s legacy of corruption continues….Bernalillo County sheriff vows to cooperate; doesn’t trust feds’ DWI investigation

The New Mexico legislature is in session. We have a budget surplus, what are they going to do with it? Where are the tax cuts for those of us that float the boat? Where are the tax rebates? How about a freeze on property taxes? How about ending abortion? I will tell you this, they will find a way to blow the surplus, and nothing good will happen to change the dysfunction in this state. I do not support either party.

World Population Review:

New Mexico has a poverty rate of 16.2%. Nearly a quarter of the state’s children are living in poverty. Unfortunately, New Mexico‘s public schools are ranked the worst in the U.S., with the second-highest dropout rates of any state. Only 73.9% of students in the state graduate on time. New Mexico’s median household income is $50,822, the third-lowest in the country. Poorest States in U.S.

WalletHub Reports:

Grocery prices have soared over the past few years, rising more than 25% since 2019, according to the USDA. Earnings have not risen at the same rate, though, which has resulted in groceries becoming less affordable and taking up a much larger percentage of people’s incomes.

In light of this issue, WalletHub analyzed the prices of 26 common grocery items in each of the 50 states. We then added these costs together and compared them to the median household income in order to determine where people are spending the greatest percentage of their income on groceries. More Here

New Mexico needs to raise Spiritual Champions! Glory!

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