Opening the Door to Understanding
With age comes wisdom — do you believe it? I used to think it was a given, but now that I have matured a little (and I truly mean a little), I’m not so sure. Sometimes, the wisest person in the room is a child speaking from the heart, with no hidden agendas. Age doesn’t guarantee wisdom; rather, it’s the pursuit of understanding and wise counsel from the Creator that lights our path through life. Proverbs Chapter 8 reminds us to pursue wisdom for personal growth and to improve our decision-making skills. Wisdom not only enriches our lives but also guides our interactions with others.
If you are ready to pursue the kind of wisdom that can only come from God, let’s dive in:
Step 1: Seek Wisdom Actively
“Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?” Proverbs 8:1
To gain wisdom, we must actively seek it through prayer, studying Scripture, and learning from those with experience. It’s like fishing — you can’t catch the big one if you aren’t casting your line!
Step 2: Value Wisdom Over Material Wealth
“For wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.” Proverbs 8:11
Recognizing that wisdom trumps material possessions helps us prioritize character, integrity, and understanding in our lives. After all, you can’t take your fancy car to heaven. But you can take the insight and good judgement you’ve gained with you. As a southern woman, I might say, “You can’t take it with you, but you sure can share a good story and a slice of pie while you’re here!”
Step 3: Embrace Moral Living
“I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice.” Proverbs 8:20
Wisdom encourages us to make ethical choices and live righteously, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. It’s like a compass guiding us through the wilderness of life.
Carrying the Light of Proverbs Forward
By actively seeking wisdom, valuing it more than material wealth, and living with integrity, we set ourselves on a powerful journey. I’ve found that when we prioritize wisdom, we not only make better decisions but also build stronger relationships. Socrates once said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Who knew Socrates could be so humble? This example of humility reminds us that we learn from others, and only when we listen can we truly appreciate the richness of our shared experiences.
Jimi Hendrix, known for his guitar riffs, profoundly said, “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens!” So, I challenge you: take a moment today to listen to the scriptures and reflect on the wisdom in your life. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from my experiences, and how can I apply it to uplift those around me?” Remember, the pursuit of wisdom is a shared journey that enriches not only our lives but also the lives of those we touch. Let’s listen, learn, and grow together in this beautiful adventure we call life. And let’s start with a prayer.
Dear God,
I believe You are the Creator of all things, and that You have given us the instructions for how to live our lives in the Holy Bible. Father, help us to remember when we ask the hard questions that You have already provided all we need for redemption and success in life. Thank you for opening our eyes through Your Word. In Jesus’s name, we pray.