Ralph is the father of our Dear Sister in Christ Mindi Schneider. Mindi is a longtime best friend! Mindi worked for me at WFRN Christian radio in the South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana market! Sharon and I love Mindi and her hubby Steven and family so very much! Please pray for the healing of her daddy. Our God is in the miracle business!
Billy Graham once said: [Miracles] pointed to God and His power. They also were like signposts pointing to Jesus as the only Savior, sent by God to bring us our salvation.
On one occasion Jesus told His enemies, “Even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me” (John 10:38). The miracles also were like signposts pointing to Jesus as the only Savior, sent by God to bring us our salvation. The greatest miracle of all was Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, by which Jesus conquered death, Hell, sin and Satan forever – and because of it, we have the hope of eternal life.
Mindi’s Prayer Request:
Hello prayer warriors!
I am posting tonight with permission to ask for prayers for my dad, Ralph McCoy. He is back in the hospital tonight and may be there for a few days. Due to his medical conditions, he is currently experiencing a complication. Jesus knows every detail. Please pray for protection and that his body corrects itself. He is in a danger zone right now and can use every prayer he can get. Please pray for his wife, Diana Davis Stivers-McCoy, and both of our families.
Please pray for healing only Jesus can provide, protection from any danger, and peace for them both.
Love you all. Mindi.