2 Corinthians 11:14-15: “Demons masquerade as ‘angels of light’ and as ‘servants of righteousness'”
1 John 4:1: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God”
In 1997 God established Dewey’s Daily Cup here in Albuquerque. Is was a email ministry. It started as a prayer request ministry and then grew to a city, state, nation and world ministry with concern of events, good and bad from a Biblcial perspective. Almost 21 years ago now, Dewey’s Daily Cup had its own website and radio program on KKIM and then a TV program, ‘Dewey and Friends.’ In August of this year FGGAM will be 13 years young! Glory!
I bring this up to give you more of a background on why we do what Sharon and I and all of our volunteers across America do here. A Biblical Worldview is dying in America. Barna research shows just 4% of us have a Biblical Worldview. That figure sure is on display here in dysfunctional New Mexico and across our country that God gave us.
I have many years of news reporting in me dating back to 1978 at the Minnesota State News Network. When I was with WFRN Christian radio in Elkhart, Indiana in the mid 80’s to early 90’s the owner Ed Moore named me VP of News, I worked at that as well as being the sales manager.
God has taken all of my experiences, nearing 70 years of age, He keeps me going to be a watchman on the wall. I have such a burning desire to serve God and people. I am not the most popular guy here in New Mexico because I am not tied up with any political group or Church clique. I have always kinda gone ‘against the grain’ as we used to say back in the day, going against the popular way of doing things. Not buying in to anything not Biblical. Look what they did to me hero Paul? They cut his head off! JESUS died for us! Sharon and I, and all of our writers to not seek fame. God, Sharon and the kids are so good at keeping me humble. Did you know that EGO stands for ‘Edging God Out?’
I am sharing all this with you today so that you may better understand where I am coming from in my preaching and news reporting.
When it was in Ashville, NC years ago serving with the team from Time to Revive at a revival, it was prophesied over me I was to be a watchman on the wall. I thought I was already a watchman on the wall at KKIM and Dewey’s Daily Cup!!! I had to think about that! Was the prophecy false? NO! NO! NOT AT ALL! God then formed FGGAM 13 years ago this coming August. FGGAM is a watchman for God over the world! A “watchman on the wall” in the Bible refers to a guard stationed on the walls of a city, responsible for looking out for approaching threats and warning the people inside of potential dangers, essentially acting as a lookout or sentinel; the term is often used metaphorically to describe someone who is vigilant in watching over and warning others about spiritual dangers or moral decline within a community.
I have a huge heart for JESUS! I have a huge heart for all people, I say all nowadays because so many so called Christians speak and post on social media hate for people that are different from them. I especially LOVE BABIES AND CHILDREN! OH MY! It burns my britches that many people, including many Pastors of New Mexico do not seem to care that babies are being killed here through abortion. Makes me sick! I do not see the Church as being effective here. New Mexico Abortions Update
I have been told by traveling evangelists that evil spirits abound here. They feel it when they come to New Mexico. I agree. The Bible says that evil spirits are malevolent supernatural beings that work against God. They are also known as demons, unclean spirits, and impure spirits. New Mexico’s history of witchcraft and sorcery. The Evil goes back to the Santa Fe Ring. The state has a long list of scandals. Pay-to-play scandal lingers long after Richardson
Latest corruption scandal points to need for greater transparency
Metro Courthouse Scandal: Taxpayers still owed millions in restitution
FBI urges New Mexicans to report public corruption
This latest scandal in New Mexico that runs very deep just makes me so very, very, sad…….
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – In March 2020 Analesa Maldonado’s life changed forever when she was just 17 years old.
“The second I looked up into my rearview mirror to see what was going on, I was hit just like that,” said Maldonado. More Here