From Stephen F. Olford: The fact is only one person ever lived the Christian life, it was Jesus, and He did so to the pleasure and glory of His Father. (Luke 3:21-22, 9:28-35). Having fleshed out the perfect life in undeviating obedience to the will of God. “He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.”
Now read Gal.. 2:20

We are very thankful for the reporting of ABQ RAW, making us all aware what is happening across the city. I am a tired old man at this point. Our country is rapidly changing. It almost makes this old preacher/news reporter dizzy. I am just a simple man of God. Will all this change bring peace to America? I do not know. We are such a divided country. Who will be the peacemaker for America? President Trump promised us in his inauguration address the he would bring unity to America like never before. I do not see it, the division of hare increases, I do not see a peacemaker in America. The only true peacemaker is our our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is the supreme peacemaker, reconciling humanity with God and bringing peace among people.
The growing problem here in America is that most everything is looked at from a political point of view, rather than a Biblical Worldview. How will this movie end?
ABQ RAW: On Sunday, March, 23rd, 2025, at around 4PM, a Boeing 737 painted white with EASTERN AIR EXPRESS lettering on the fuselage landed in Albuquerque at the Sunport. A few of APD’s Aviation police units displaying their police lights could be seen doing some sort of escort or security for the jet.
Workers from the Department of Homeland Security Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) could be seen de-boarding the plane. Shortly after, the agents began to unload passenger belongings from the side of the plane. A short time later two large white transit vans pulled up on the tarmac next to the jet. More Here