Satan is not hiding in Albuquerque….he is out and about devouring many to his ways in Albuquerque and all over New Mexico and the U.S……………I have much righteous anger! Righteous anger, also known as righteous indignation, is a morally justifiable anger directed at injustice or wrongdoing, often motivating action to correct the situation. It’s distinguished from personal anger, which is prompted by something more personal, like an insult.
Back in the day we would say back home in Minnesota, “I am so angry I could spit nails!” That is how I have been felling of late, I see a very ineffective Church here. So many Churches have kicked the Great Commission to the curb. The Church should be in mourning, not on Facebook promoting their greatness. Its not about us! Its all about GOD!

Life Verse for Pastor Dewey Moede
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24
I have just one life here on earth like you…I am getting old. I see my last days when I awake and talk with the Lord. Sharon and I are dedicated more than ever to serve God and carry out the Great Commission. We are also to warn you about evil and how to stop it, as we do today and every day…
Nothing will get better here in New Mexico until people wake up to JESUS! More laws on the books will not decrease the evil! Only GOD can change this evil. We are not God, but it seems to me that many think they are above God.
New Mexico is blinded by evil. The state allows the killing of God’s babies through abortion. Are we so stupid that we do not realize that God’s judgment is upon us? The legislature can make a parade and pep rally of all they are doing, or trying to do, but until the people of New Mexico have a ‘come to Jesus meeting’ and repent of and stop the killing of God’s babies, nothing will change for the good! STOP MAKING GOD’S BABIES A POLITICAL FOOTBALL! GOD SEES YOU!
Look what is happening time and time again in New Mexico, children killing others…we are now known as a state with child killers. We kill babies and raise up child killers because of the break down of families caused of divorce, separations, drugs, booze, pot, child abuse, poverty, poor education, no Sunday school, no Church, rated last in child-well being, and a dysfunctional CYFD! My goodness New Mexico, you are a mess.
TRAGIC! Barna: America needs ‘spiritual renewal’ as fewer than half of Americans believe God exists
Hello Church! Your losing generation and after generation to Satan…
Detectives from the Albuquerque Police Department arrested a 13-year-old boy today. The child is charged with intentionally crashing a stolen car into a man who was riding his bicycle to work last year.
An 11-year-old boy and a 15-year-old are also accused of participating in the crime that resulted in the death of Scott Dwight Habermehl on May 29, 2024. According to police, Habermehl, 63, was riding his bike to work at Sandia National Laboratories around 4:40 AM when he was purposely struck by the car. More Here