From Stephen F. Olford: The fact is only one person ever lived the Christian life, it was Jesus, and He did so to the pleasure and glory of His Father (Luke 3:21-22, 9:28-35). Having fleshed out the perfect life in undeviating obedience to the will of God. “He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.”
Now read Galatians 2:20…

We pray that the day will come when this dark cloud of corruption over the Albuquerque Police, Bernalillo County Sheriffs Department, and the New Mexico State Police will be lifted…
ABQ RAW Reports
On March 24, 2025, the Albuquerque Police Department (“APD”) announced that a current sergeant, once a member of the DWI Unit, was put on leave as part of the ongoing internal investigation into misconduct by past unit members.
APD was notified today that the U.S. Attorney’s Office identified Sergeant Lucas Perez as Giglio-impaired as a result of the federal investigation into a criminal conspiracy. That means the District Attorney’s Office could add Sgt. Perez to the Brady-Giglio disclosure list, which raises concerns about his credibility if he were to ever testify in court. We learned that being on this list is not always career-ending for officers. More Here