PTL!! An answer to prayer! Glory to God in the highest! New Mexico is in dire need of a revival, repentance and a change of behavior! The state needs JESUS! I pray every day for the killing of God’s babies stop here! Will you pray with me that Unite US comes to New Mexico. I have been attempting to get an outside group to come to New Mexico and hold a revival, but I am empty handed at this point. I am also trying to help Churches that have lost most of their congregation.
The Christian Post
By John Stonestreet, Glenn Sunshine,
Reports are also emerging that this good news is spreading beyond Ohio State. Unite US, an organization of students committed to spreading the Gospel on college campuses has been holding evangelistic events across the country over the past couple of years.
At Auburn University, 5,000 people attended, and 200 were baptized. At Florida State, 310 people were baptized, and 1,000 responded to the altar call. At the University of Alabama, 260 were baptized. At the University of Tennessee, 8,000 people attended the rally, and 150 were baptized. At the University of Georgia, about 150 were baptized of the hundreds who responded to the invitation.
Overall, the total number of students who responded to an invitation to accept Christ numbers in the thousands. More Here