Lord Have Mercy! Food banks, families face effects of federal cuts

Pastor Dewey Moede: You may agree with these cutbacks, but you if you are a Christian, you must have empathy and not act like a fool and celebrate another's misery.

In 2012 in Ashville, NC at a Time to Revival, where he was serving, it was prophesied over Pastor Dewey Moede that he was to be a watchman on the wall. That he is. Pastor Dewey is vigilant and alert to threats. He is to warn others and to be a prayer warrior, to hold a Biblical Worldview.
FGGAM Photo. We are a on the street ministry, a Great Commission Ministry. I talked to the lady that was sleeping in the tent, no need to show her picture. We need more Christians on the streets of Albuquerque sharing Jesus. We must all share the love and care of JESUS. This photo was taken in the Eubank and Central area. The workers on the streets for JESUS in ABQ are few.

This news is causing me great distress. So many poor people in America. What is going to happen to them? God emphasizes the importance of caring for the poor and needy, urging believers to act with compassion and justice. I weep at this news.

With all these federal cutbacks, we must have empathy for those losing their jobs. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is seen as a vital virtue, reflecting Christ’s example of compassion and love, and is encouraged through Biblical teachings like “rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).

You may agree with these cutbacks, but you if you are a Christian, you must have empathy and not act like a fool and celebrate another’s misery.

We already have too many hungry people in America. Step it up Church! It’s in your lap now, as it always has been, but some Churches are asleep. It seems to me we are moving towards having more homeless people in America.

There probably needs to be less bragging among Christians. We need to get to work.

KOB TV Reports

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Thousands of families in New Mexico depend on food banks for their everyday needs but federal cuts will soon limit the amount of food they can take home.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture canceled funding for food banks and emergency food providers, effectively cutting $500 million worth of food. More Here

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