I remember that dark day… I think of Justin very often. I have heard so many good reports on this man of God. At the funeral for Justin, the many testimonies about his life made me cry. I will never forget Justin and his family. I wish I had known him. Our officers face so much danger. Please pray for their safety. Please also pray for Justin’s family and his many friends. The pain never goes away.
Thank you KRQE TV for this report!
TUCUMCARI, N.M. (KRQE) – It’s been exactly one year since a New Mexico State Police officer was tragically shot to death in the line of duty. But his loved ones are making sure his memory will live on.
“He was a remarkable person,” said Lt. Jery Hernandez of the New Mexico State Police.
Organizers called it a ‘day of celebration’ as dozens set out on a 5K race Saturday morning to honor the life of New Mexico State Police Officer Justin Hare. “Today is one year to the day that we lost our brother Justin,” said Hernandez. More Here
From March of 2024: New Mexico Honors the Life of State Police Officer Justin Hare