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NYT columnist: We were “badly misled” about the pandemic. Have we reached “end-stage capitalism”?

Dr. Jim Denison

Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

Zeynep Tufekci is a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and a New York Times opinion columnist. Her latest Times article is headlined “We Were Badly Misled About the Event That Changed Our Lives.” In it, she describes in great detail the lengths taken to discount the possibility that the COVID-19 pandemic began in a research lab in Wuhan, China.

For example, a paper in the journal Nature Medicine written by five prominent scientists declared that no “laboratory-based scenario” for the pandemic virus was plausible. However, Tufekci writes, “While the scientists publicly said the scenario was implausible, privately many of its authors considered the scenario to be not just plausible but likely.” More Here : This article was brought to you by Denison Forum. To read today’s headlines from a biblical perspective, subscribe to The Daily Article.

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