PTL!!! Korean Churches share Southern Baptist Convention values

Baptist Press: At least 1,700 people attend Sunday morning worship services at the church, which changed its Korean name in 2022 to Saenuri, or “New Community.”

The Baptist Press. The 41st annual meeting of the Council of Korean Southern Baptist Churches in America was held June 13-15, 2022, at the historic Berendo Street Baptist Church, the first Southern Baptist church in the United States to worship in a Korean context. File photo by Don Biadog

Today has been a good day for GOOD NEWS! GLORY! Revival is spreading to many college campuses in America! Hallelujah! Revival is spreading among secular college campuses NOW THIS NEWS!

Baptist Press

By Karen L. Willoughby, posted March 24, 2025 in Church PlantingEthnicity

CARROLLTON, Texas – More than 1,000 people say they plan to participate in the 44th annual gathering of the Korean Council, set for June 9-11 at New Song Church in this northwestern suburb of Dallas. This includes pastors, staff and lay members of the Southern Baptist Convention’s 973 Korean churches.

Known formally as the Council of Korean Southern Baptist Churches in America, the fellowship each year meets in conjunction with the SBC’s annual meeting.

“Our future direction aligns with the SBC’s Vision 2025,” Korean Council’s Executive Director James Kang told Baptist Press. “You can’t simply sit back and maintain the status quo. We must look to the future by sending more missionaries, planting more churches, revitalizing existing ones and cultivating ministries for the next generation.”

Among additional initiatives is a partnership with IMB to host 10 regional missions conferences. The first four took place at Semihan Church in Metro Dallas, New Life Church in Metro San Francisco Bay, Tacoma First Baptist in Metro Seattle, and Global Missions Church in Maryland, Metro D.C.

“Thanks to many prayers, these conferences and God’s activity, we are seeing more missionaries being recruited for the IMB,” Kang said. “We’re also witnessing a revival of missions within the church, especially among the laity.”

A Southern Baptist thrust to Korean immigrants started with the Home Mission Board appointment of Don and Esther Kim to reach international university students in Los Angeles. That led in 1957 to the start of Berendo Street Baptist Church, which today is known as the “mother” of all Korean churches in the SBC.

At least 1,700 people attend Sunday morning worship services at the church, which changed its Korean name in 2022 to Saenuri, or “New Community.” More Here

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