Satan is not hiding in Albuquerque….he is out and about devouring many to his ways in Albuquerque and all over New Mexico and the U.S……………I have much righteous anger! Righteous anger, also known as righteous indignation, is a morally justifiable anger directed at injustice or wrongdoing, often motivating action to correct the situation. It’s distinguished from personal anger, which is prompted by something more personal, like an insult.
Back in the day we would say back home in Minnesota, “I am so angry I could spit nails!” That is how I have been felling of late, I see a very ineffective Church here. So many Churches have kicked the Great Commission to the curb. The Church should be in mourning, not on Facebook promoting their greatness. Its not about us! Its all about GOD!
This is a kick to the gut…THUGS THRIVE HERE!… My goodness Albuquerque you have gone to hell in a hand basket! Nothing is scared here! So many here are blinded by Satan, I just feeling like throwing up! Thank you ABQ RAW for your on the spot reporting and keeping us aware of this evil!
Liliana Prado-Bujanda, Executive Director of the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation, expressed her heartbreak over the theft. Prado-Bujanda said “This theft of equipment from disabled children is profoundly heartbreaking and this act is clearly devastating to our children. Our wheelchair basketball team relies on this equipment to participate in the sport they love, and its loss is a significant setback for them.”
The stolen trailer is white and bears the license plate number 88119TRK. The foundation is pleading for anyone with information regarding the recovery of the sports chairs, trailer, or equipment to come forward. The public’s help is vital to restoring what these deserving young athletes have lost. More Here
TRAGIC! Barna: America needs ‘spiritual renewal’ as fewer than half of Americans believe God exists