Speak To Me… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Speak To Me…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. We all approach God differently. Some on bended knee this morning and some with reading their Bible and others will go for a walk and listen in the silence for the voice of God. One thing we know is that God speaks.

God speaks in so many different ways. He will highlight something you read especially the Bible. He will speak directly to your spirit. It really is endless the number of ways he speaks to us.

Have you ever felt impressed to stop and help someone? Maybe it was to call and pray for someone. Maybe you felt in your heart to do something that maybe wasn’t on your calendar for the day. Maybe God is trying to get our attention.

Ready for a great day? Let’s ask God to speak to us today.

Father, we come before you this morning and we open our heart to you once again. We ask Father that you speak to us today. May we never stop hearing your voice. Your sheep know and hear your voice, and you know them, and they follow you; And you give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck us out of your hand. (John 10:27-28) Your love for us in sealed.

Father, you know everything about us, all our strengths and all our weaknesses and you still say, they are mine. You know the day, the hour, the minute when hearts were opened to you.

Father, today we open our hearts again. Thank you for speaking to us today, we receive. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Journal what God speaks to you today.

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