New Mexico is still controlled by the Democrats. It’s a generational problem. It’s in the water, I believe.
New Mexico continues to kill God’s babies through abortion and gunfire. We are known as the abortion Capitol of America – such shame. New Mexico also has a long history of governmental corruption. It’s a very sick state. My goodness New Mexico, you are so out of alignment with God and so is America. One-party rule is not healthy for America. The DEMS are toast, except in New Mexico. The GOP is very weak here, they have been unable to turn New Mexico around for the good.
America needs a strong third party, which again, I have stated for years. America has become more political than Christian. The following news report does not surprise me, as I have reported and preached on the downfall of Christianity in America for 20 years or more. It’s the failure to carry out The Great Commission.
The proof is in the pudding:
TRAGIC! Barna: America needs ‘spiritual renewal’ as fewer than half of Americans believe God exists
Democrats’ approval ratings sink to historic lows amid infighting
At FGGAM, we believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired and infallible Word of God, and that God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life. We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
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