The Giant is Awakening!

A Call to Arise in Albuquerque, NM on March 28-29!


The Giant is Awakening!

A Call to Arise in Albuquerque, NM on March 28-29!



Dear Awakening Ones:


There is power in understanding and recognizing “The First!” In the 1970s, I came to realize that without the First People of this nation coming into their destined inheritance in God, the nation called America could never fully experience His ultimate plan of redemption. Over the last 25 years, my mandate from the Lord has been to see the apostolic and prophetic gifts of this people restored and operating again to advance the Kingdom of God in this land.  I considered it a great honor to partner with Dr. Negiel Bigpond in hosting the Gathering of the Sacred Nations in 2023 here at the Global Spheres Center.


Next weekend, there will be a special gathering to commemorate and activate through prayer the incredible declaration Dr. Billy Graham made 50 years ago: “When this sleeping giant awakens, the world will see the greatest revival it has ever known.” Many of you will want to be a part of that historic gathering—either onsite in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or by live stream. I encourage you to read the following invitation from the Awakening Giant Revival Initiative Planning Team and continue to declare THE GIANT IS AWAKENING!


Chuck D. Pierce

50 years ago this month, here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Dr. Billy Graham stunned his First Nations ministry-leader hearers with this bold declaration for them and the tribes they represented: “When this sleeping giant awakens, the world will see the greatest revival it has ever known.” Graham was known as probably the most distinguished evangelist of his generation, but for just this moment on March 18, 1975, he stepped into the role of a prophet. In a burst of divine inspiration, he envisioned that Native people would be used by God to unleash a spiritual revival that would transform our nation and world. 

Growing numbers of Native and non-Native ministry leaders feel that since the Jubilee year of Graham’s prophetic declaration is upon us, we need to both commemorate and activate it with a special prayer initiative across America. Other countries where there are also First Nations, the original inhabitants of their lands, may also want to do the same. There will be a special gathering for this purpose here in Albuquerque, primarily for Native ministry leaders, those serving in ministry among Native people, and those who have had a special calling to pray for the First Nations. If you have such a ministry involvement and prayer concern, you are invited to be with us here in Albuquerque on March 28th, 6-9 pm, and 29th, 9 am to 5 pm, at Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Rd., Albuquerque, NM 871120 

You can register at or call (505) 417-4332. Please do so by March 21 so we can prepare enough food and beverages. You are invited to be our guests for a light supper at 6 pm on the 28th and lunch during the gathering on the 29th. 

If you are unable to join us here, please celebrate and activate Dr. Graham’s fateful word wherever you are during the month of March. You can hold gatherings to pray and release the mustard seed of faith for that great revival to come upon your tribe and our whole country as well. It will be powerful and wonderful to have such united intercession for the First Nations (575 recognized tribes) in the USA or those Native peoples wherever you happen to live. 

Please view this video with several of us, both Native and non-Native, speaking about the significance of this historic event.

The Giant is Awakening

You can also JOIN us LIVE @ online to Watch & PRAY during the March 28th (7-9 pm) and March 29th (9-5 pm) gathering in Albuquerque! 

As we believe God and do our part together, may we see an awesome outpouring of His Spirit upon all the peoples of our nation, healing America and other nations as we flow together in united prayer for His breakthroughs! 

Yours in Christ, 
Awakening Giant Revival Initiative Planning Team (both Native and non-Native)

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