Billy Graham:
“Christ wants to give you hope for the future. He wants you to learn what it means to walk with Him every day. When you come to Christ, God gives you eternal life – which begins right now as you open your heart to Him.”

Sharon and I weep……….so many need JESUS here…..the workers are few here…Please share Jesus with all. It is called the Great Commission.
JESUS is the only answer…….Go and carry out The Great Commission in your community, please.
I have “Righteous anger,” also known as righteous indignation, is a morally justified anger directed at perceived injustice or wrongdoing, often motivating action to correct the situation.
ABQ RAW Reports
ALBUQUERQUE – APD detectives arrested William Garcia today for his role in the 2024 murder of Scott Habermehl who was riding his bike to work.
Garcia, who was 15 at the time of the murder, is one of three boys accused of intentionally crashing a stolen car into a Habermehl, killing the 63-year-old man who was on his way to work at Sandia National Laboratory. More Here
Top NM Legislative Leaders MIA on DOA Juvenile Crime Bills in Final Days of Session
Billy Graham once said, “The greatest need in our world today is the need for hope. We thrive on hope, we rejoice in hope, we witness in hope, knowing that experience works hope. ‘Happy is he . . . whose hope is in the Lord his God (Psalm 146:5).’ There is hope for the future. It is centered in the Person of Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose from the grave and is alive now. I have staked all that I am or ever hope to be on Him. “