“Christ wants to give you hope for the future. He wants you to learn what it means to walk with Him every day. When you come to Christ, God gives you eternal life – which begins right now as you open your heart to Him.” Billy Graham

Please share Jesus with all today. It’s called The Great Commission.

FGGAM Photo. We are a on the street ministry, a Great Commission Ministry. I talked to the lady that was sleeping in the tent, no need to show her picture. We need more Christians on the streets of Albuquerque sharing Jesus. We must all share the love and care of JESUS. This photo was taken in the Eubank and Central area. The workers on the streets for JESUS in ABQ are few.

This may the worst legislative session in New Mexico history. It could get worse if the governor gets her way in the final days: NM Governor Lujan Grisham has requested $10 million from the Legislature to build ANOTHER taxpayer-funded abortion facility, This time in Northern NM

We thank ABQ RAW for the following report on some legislators going MIA in crime! My goodness! Do not be silent on these issues folks! To many Pastors and congregants are silent on theses issues! WHERE ARE THE CHRISTIANS IN THIS STATE??? PASTORS, PLEASE speak biblically to these issues from the pulpit. Have all of your congregation get on the phone and call the governors office and let her know you stand for the ways of GOD! Stand up for GOD’S CHILDREN! WE! ALL OF US! Have created a very ugly state of affairs for our children. SHOW AND TELL FOLKS GOD MAKES A DIFFERANCE!

I have righteous anger on the ugly in in New Mexico. We are watching Satan devour many in our state, and to much of the Church is silent. It has been this way since we lived here in 1995. The state just gets worse…..we are showing an unbelieving New Mexico that the church does not make much of a difference in this state. “Righteous anger,” also known as righteous indignation, is a morally justified anger directed at perceived injustice or wrongdoing, often motivating action to correct the situation. 

Santa Fe, NM –

There has been loud public outcry from New Mexicans regarding two House bills. One was House Bill 134, a bill that would have updated the antiquated juvenile justice code. It would have provided the authority to charge teens as adults for heinous crimes. And then there was House Bill 255, which was approved on the House floor. This bill would provide $2,000 a month cash to teens aging out of the juvenile justice system.

House Bill 255 was sponsored by Reps. Liz Thomson, Moe Maestas, Art De La Cruz, Anita Gonzales, and Linda Lopez. All are from Albuquerque except Anita Gonzales. More Here

Billy Graham once said, “The greatest need in our world today is the need for hope. We thrive on hope, we rejoice in hope, we witness in hope, knowing that experience works hope. ‘Happy is he . . . whose hope is in the Lord his God (Psalm 146:5).’ There is hope for the future. It is centered in the Person of Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose from the grave and is alive now. I have staked all that I am or ever hope to be on Him. “

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