But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. 

Micah 7:7

Have you ever waited on something that you wanted so bad? Something that was extremely important to you, but you just seemed to be waiting forever.

Maybe you’re waiting on a child to come back from a bad place, or maybe the healing of a loved one, or just waiting for God to reveal himself to you.

I’ve heard of people that waited for years on God to supply an answer to their hearts prayer. And they became hard hearted because of that wait.

As you wait on God, He strengthens you. 

“But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings as eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” 

Isaiah 40:31.

I’ve learned that waiting on God is very important to our relationship with him and key to our spiritual growth. Waiting should not create a bitter, angry heart towards God or deep feelings of hopelessness.

In fact, waiting usually brings us closer to him.

Because scripture tells us that God is CLOSE to the broken-hearted and those crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

As you wait on God, your hope needs to be in God’s promises to you and not on your current circumstances.

The reality is, God’s working on our hearts. And we know that God’s people have always been a waiting people. 

What happens while we are waiting on an answer to our prayer?

In the midst of waiting on God, we can also experience the rest and peace that comes from being in God’s presence. Because as we seek an answer from him, we’re actually in communication with him. Which is a plus.

The fear of the unknown can be a bit hard, but in scripture, we’re told that “God is always with us; he promises to never leave us, nor turn his back on us” 

When we choose to wait patiently and trustingly, we not only honor God, but encourage others to put their hope in him as well. God answers the prayers of those who wait for him. He does not close His ears to their prayer.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”

Psalm 27:14

What if our prayer isn’t answered like we’d hoped?

God Sees the bigger picture and the negative things that can occur from getting what we asked for. Maybe what we are asking for is not the best thing for our lives at this time. Maybe He has something better or grander in mind.

He is looking at everything from an eternal perspective. Which is what a good Father does for his children.

His answer may not always be the answer we wanted, but his answer is always the best answer.

You just have to trust that He is giving you the best answer for your life, the answer that will follow you throughout all eternity.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” 

Proverbs 3:5-6.

My prayer for you today is that you’d have faith as you wait on Gods answer! 

Many Blessings,


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