Spiritual Warfare…What are you doing about it? What is your Church doing about it? I have been warning about this meltdown of the American society for over 20 years now. The warnings by me and others fall on deaf ears.
The Church in America is losing its influence rapidly. We are losing generation after generation. Oh, the American Church may survive, but will it be Biblical? Will the Church stand for a Biblical Worldview? Just 4% of us have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview, according to George Barna.
I talked with a Deacon yesterday whose Church is down to six persons. The Church just lost its Pastor to Wyoming. I also talked to a Pastor whose church attendance is down to eight persons and another Pastor told me his Church has just 12 members. I try to help these Churches in any way I can. I have spent years being a circuit preacher. My mentor, Dr. Claude Cone, at age 89, still travels to fill the pulpit! We both are very concerned as to what is happening to the Church, especially in rural New Mexico.
The American Church is not raising up enough “Spiritual Champions.” Please watch the video below, in which George Barna hits the nail on the head! Glory! A lot of the Church speaks very highly of itself. I see it on Facebook. I call it ego – edging God out. My daddy would say, “What do you have to brag about?”
With its strong support for abortions, New Mexico is raising up ‘child killers.’
ABQ RAW REPORTS: A judge ruled 16-year-old, William Garcia, will remain in custody as his case goes through the judicial process. Garcia is connected to the murder of Scott Habermehl. In the early hours of May 29, 2024, at 4:40 AM, police responded to a fatal pedestrian crash at Moon and Aspen in northeast Albuquerque. Garcia was part of a trio that ran over Habermehl while he was riding his bike to Sandia National Laboratories. More Here