Who is your filter from the ‘nothing noise’ of the world? Sharon and I are tuned into God not politics. I am about to change my term of ‘nothing noise’ into the evil voices in America.
“It was the way the Master went; Should not the servant tread it still?” Horatius Bonar in the book, “Not I But Christ” by Stephen E. Oldford. READ IT PLEASE!
Today, please ask your adult children and grandchildren who they are following on social media. Do you vet the people your children listen to?
So many Americans are off the path of JESUS…..TRAGIC! Barna: America needs ‘spiritual renewal’ as fewer than half of Americans believe God exists
I was still in radio full-time when Alex Jones began his radio show years ago. I was asked my opinion by another radio group about his program, as they were considering airing it. I did not speak highly of Alex Jones program then and I do not speak highly of it now. I do not know if he is on radio yet, but he is on social media a lot. He calls the show INFO WARS. The man has no credibility with me at all – never has. The Lord showed me years ago that he is evil. Jones repeatedly lied on his Info Wars programs by saying that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 20 first graders and six teachers was a hoax.
I see this man on my twitter feed spouting ‘nothing noise.’ Why am I posting about this today? BECAUSE WE HAVE GRANDCHILDREN! To our adult children, do not listen to this fool. I want to make sure all parents are informed about Alex Jones. He is not a man your children should listen to. There are many evil voices in America at this time. You see, I awake every day around 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM and seek the face of JESUS. It is when things are so very quiet when He speaks to me. It is now 3:44 AM. The United States is a failing nation and Christianity is falling in America. EVIL is rising in our country. I am not an alarmist; I am a watchman on the wall for my Lord.
So many children never get a chance to live a life like I did back in the 50’s and early 60’s. It was heaven on earth. I had the best mom, dad and grandparents, and wonderful school teachers and Sunday school teachers! Keep your children away from the voices of evil. As I grow into my last years on earth, I give it all, more and more, to my Lord and His children.
Look what is happening in Albuquerque! This report is from our friends at ABQ RAW!
Detectives from the Albuquerque Police Department arrested a 13-year-old boy yesterday (3/17/2025). The child was charged with intentionally crashing a stolen car into a man who was riding his bicycle to work last year.
An 11-year-old boy and a 15-year-old are also accused of participating in the crime, which resulted in the death of Scott Dwight Habermehl on May 29, 2024. According to police, Habermehl, 63, was riding his bike to work at Sandia National Laboratories around 4:40 AM when he was purposely struck by the car. More Here
We are living in a time where many Americans love their politics more than JESUS. Please understand Sharon and I spend much of our lives sharing the love of JESUS with an unbelieving world. We hear first-hand what so many say about RELIGION and the Church in America. Many identify Churches by their political beliefs rather than their belief in God, or the Churches’ denominations.
During my lifetime, the worst thing that has ever happened to the Church in America is that many pastors and congregants have drank from the cup of politics rather from the cup of JESUS. Many have done a good job of chasing people away.